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I am looking for jedi knight owner of angels and demons clan
I am also looking for sexygirl1989
https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4556456 jedi knight i think hes married ?
from 2009 i started i cannot remember but we are reaching 20 years mark
.com started May 2008, the .ru server is older.
I am also looking for sexygirl1989


Jedi knight has stopped like 10 years ago.
Both players are long gone.

There are a surprising number of us here from near the start. Some people quit for years and come back.
.ru was born March 1, 2007. Try finding players with small IDs and look their registration timestamps
I played using barb_h2so4 I'd but I forgot the password. Hence created new id after a long time. The game has been part of my childhood.
barb-h2so4 and mad420

How cn I recover both these???
Do you remember the registered email? If yes, recover the password
If no, try creating a post like this, Lexa might help.

[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // ]
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM