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AuthorFSL anti vs guild points
Is there a correlation between anti and guild points? Specifically, if an adversary possesses an additional 6 units of anti(18% more resistance), then approximately how many extra stats are needed to compensate that?
My understanding is in rough approximations each attack/defence parameter is about 5% increase/decrease in damage so roughly 3.

I think in practice anti is slightly better because it ignores all effects so anti 6 across all factions is probably like having 4 parameters and corresponding hero damage reduction.
rough approximations each attack/defence parameter is about 5%
That would apply only in case that attacker's attack equals defender's defense. The bigger the difference, the less is the effect of 1 parameter bonus.
Thus, it is difficult to compare stats bonus to anti resist bonus. It will depend on many factors. But yes, I agree, that in a single battle against opponents with balanced stats, to compensate 6 anti with 4 stats could be fair :)

My feeling is that in general, with lower conbat levels it worths more to focus on stats, but from certain levels, anti gets more and more important. Perhaps since lvl14/15. It is very individual, it can depend also on your faction and type of PvP, which you prefer, and opponents, which you meet the most often :)

Another point of view is to consider pumping penalty from too much anti. E.g. to get 6 anti for all factions but main, it brings 6x9=54 anti levels and that counts as 13 parameters towards pumping chart. That's quite a lot at lower levels. On the other hand, you can perhaps get 6 anti only against factions, which are strong against you.

There could be more to be said to this topic, but the best what you can do is to find compromises and combine some anti against crrtain factions with effort to get more stats and not to get too overpumped (I think up to 25% extra exp is mostly acceptable when you play PvP very often)
In terms of building your character, stats are generally more important than anti. Stats are always relevant and useful, anti is only useful against some enemies, and will only ever have one faction, thus for any one built up faction it will only be useful against a small subset of enemies.

That being said developing anti and developing stats are not mutually exclusive, one tries to get both done.

If you are thinking PvP then against a Yolo build they have so little defence that the extra damage reduction is often pointless as the stacks were killed many times over.
Anti is needed when you want to do pvp. If not, stats are fine.

In PvP anti can be the difference. For example, they damage you 100 while you hit 86 on them cause of the enemy's anti.

Might look like not much but in the end it means a lot of difference.
anti starts getting rediculous after 10 in each. it may seem inconsequential but having a free expert defense on every faction at minimum is quite insane.
also, anti works much better against mages since magic penetration cant punch through it like it can with magic proof.

also, stacking damage reductions is quite oppressive the higher you go with anti+defense tree+gear reductions. thats why on 20+ dark demons are quite OP because they are seemingly unbreakable with all the reductions they have and they get an insane amount of free damage into their units with sacrifice, burn aura on horses, leap granting insane amount of attack points which nullifies enemy anti+ defense reductions many MANY times over.
closed by 1234qwer (2024-11-15 06:04:01)
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