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AuthorValiant Expedition
new event and new fear art

New! Starting from the 20th battle stage, you will be able to reset all enhancements for 5,000 gold.


yeeeehaw!!!! finally can use these stupid enchanted sets and have some pew pew fun XD
Well I guess these events are good for the economy with those who splash the cash using event arts etc, and takes the stress out as a cheapo like me won't ever be able to compete at that level
Decreases damage taken by 10%
From new fear art, what damage? Physical/ranged/magic? Or all?
@Lord Miles Teg, looks like you have enough gold to breeze through this event!
I have that amount of gold BECAUSE I'm a cheapo :)
Or all?
Sounds OP
If I would only have one gold for every item / faction / troop in this game which has been declared as OP at any time in the history ...
for slayerofall:
Don't you think it's too early to use it XD
Don't you think it's too early to use it

Poor guys like us would never understand how rich people think :D
If I would only have one gold for every item / faction / troop in this game which has been declared as OP at any time in the history ...

Surely you have more gold than that.
for Elden Lord: i have heaven and magma sets enchanted with fear set being enchanted right now... and i barely use em... im gonna ise em and have some fun :)
I'm actually having fun this event. Miracles do happen.
Day 2 raised quite a bit in difficulty
Indeed. I would've lost the ghost battle if I didn't hit all of my initial strikes.
for slayerofall:
You’re using them wrong, they can give you 3cg points/battle :p
for Rengar:
yea i dont like clan pvp, plus any/all clan pvp times are when im sleeping/working. i live on opposite side of world as game time zone.
for Another Player:

no ghost level for me XD

heres my 20
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