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AuthorBattles difficulty and reward system in Guilds
so what I am proposing is not something new
it is already implemented in some events

so for example in Hunt or Mercenaries and since it's not an event where players compete, why not implementing the difficult battle and guild points
easy 1 Guild point
medium 3 Guild points
Hard 5 Guild points
like the one we see in events.
also giving us an option to reroll the battles for medium or hard for 1 less Guild point or gold whatever they decide
It would be imbalanced and undermine the core mechanism of the game. In the fights where you currently get extra mg/Hunters guild points it is because you are skipping fights, not getting a bonus.
I am sure it can be implemented without affecting the core mechanism

Hunt we have all the creatures fights
in Mercenaries we have many type of battles
Invaders-Brigands-Monsters-Raid-Vanguard-Factions Army-Conspirators
each of them will definitely scale later on

for easy battles the mechanism will generate the type of battles you have the lowest record on for example monster lvl 1 or army of knights lvl 2 etc...

Guild points can be taken away from reward and instead replace it with at least more gold

Medium 30% more gold
Hard 50% more gold and +1 random element

they can work on the reward system easily
HG battles and MG battles slowly increase in difficulty until it is not possible to win the battles. In theory, this means that the same amount of HG and MG points are available to all players. (In practice, due to game updates, this is not the case.)

If this change got implemented, people would just choose the difficulty that gives the most guild points overall.

I guess some people would prefer to essentially exchange guild points for gold. I'm not sure whether giving that choice would be a good idea.
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