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AuthorUnified event arts
Currently there are 3 version of event art rewards: minor, normal, and great. I suggest unifying them into a single artifact that scales with CL, like donation arts do.

E.g., instead of the 3 different armada handguns there could be just an Armada handgun with (numbers are made up):
2 SP
3 att + 1 att every 6 CL
2 ini + 1 ini every 12 CL
5% extra ranged damage + 1% every 3CL

Would simplify the marketplace greatly and normalize the rewards a bit at different levels.
It already gives 4 attack at 6 cl and the repair cost is lower than the higher ones, wearing the set from up 2 items gives additional bonuses, donation arts don't give more stats as a set.

@Calamity I'm not really sure what you wanted to say. As far as the stats go, I just quickly made something up that's in the same ballpark as the arts are currently, but that's really not the point of the post. Individual arts will have to be balanced on their own. Set bonuses are not affected by my proposal, they are the same for different tiers (minor, normal, great) already. Repair costs would indeed change and be the same for all 3 (unless the admins would implement scaling with CL there as well), but I don't think that's a big deal. It's already the same for donation arts.
for Ulmo:

Yeah, my touristic english are not good to explain technical or any other details, I will keep avoid comment on those.
Anyway, I know for a fact that many do use the small sets due to repair costs, and what mostly developers have to do is lower them down.
I am not against, just know people who use and why they use the small sets.
@Calamity: No worries, I see what you mean now. I still think unified arts would be a net benefit. Maybe at least worth a try for the next set they release.
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