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i won still he gained more xp than me?
He's 263% pumped so gets extra experience. You don't want to be pumped.
what's pumped?
You get more exp per battle if you have more stats and/or antis than the average player at your level.
these shitty rules baffle me everytime.
See post for getting pumped

I couldn't find one if I ever translated the pump formula and I am a bit busy atm so can just +- google translate.

it is there to prevent people level camping (which was what happened before) while having 15+ stats more than any sane person. Now if you have that you will get the xp penalties and move onto the level your stats are average for. This is a good thing in a way.
ok, makes sense now
closed by 1234qwer (2024-07-25 13:46:49)
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