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AuthorSiphon mana ability bug
Did anybody notice that vermin's ability doesn't work as described? It should drain up to 20 mana, but it only drains a certain ratio of opponent's hero mana, but never more than 10.
would be way too op if they could just perma drain 20 mana a turn. dark demon is already a complete BS class without needing more rage inducing abilities. in fact im pretty sure everyone would love it if they were removed from the game.
It's not a bug it's intentional
Incorrect description in that case, will flag it
This was actually changed a few years back. It used to drain 20 mana every turn, but as Slayer mentioned, that was too strong.
Yea all i can say is that seduction succubis stuff is op
for slayerofall: why is dark demon BS class? Is it OP or for some other reason? I personally like them. For some specific battles they are useful (at least this is what I think).

for merlin36: I've found another wrong description (or a bug): Shadow eyes (Shroud of darkness works also for ranged attack, not only melee)
From: Lexa
To: merlin36
Subject: Re(5): Vermin creature ability, is this incorrect?

This creature can steal mana from an enemy lord and siphon it to allied casters (activated ability). The stack steals 0.25 mana per creature in it, but no more than 20 mana and no more than 25% of the enemy lord's current mana reserve. After that, mana is distributed among all allied 'Casters' equally.

Apparently, that would be correct
Merlin MVP
25% every turn, still op
Thanks merlin36
closed by Lord Mora (2024-07-19 09:43:35)
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