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AuthorTavern card list
Is there a complete list of cards and their effects/picture somewhere? And what is the difference between one deck and infinite deck?
One deck: 102 different cards. After a card is played, it goes to the bottom half of the deck. A new card is drawn from the top of the deck.

Infinite deck: the number of cards is unlimited. A new drawn card is absolutely random, you can have 2+ exactly the same cards in hand.

Overall, One deck allows you to strategise your play while Infinite deck is totally chaotic and makes you depend on luck more.

To view the complete card list (+ their cost, effect, image) please check this Daily link: https://daily.heroeswm.ru/help/arcomage/cards.
I think I messed up the link. Here it comes again, hope working this time: https://daily.heroeswm.ru/help/arcomage/cards.htm
That is helpful. Thanks a lot!
closed by Levi (2024-07-10 10:03:32)
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