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Hi, how many working hours are needed to produce one ring of fiery gaze?


I do not quite get the mechanics.
Hello, hello!

I'm not 100% sure, but I think 3.3 ring produced in every hour, IF all 24 workers are worked well.
The facility is in a very bad shape, so in case only one workers can do the job, it can only produce 3.3/24 ring. :)
Thanks, how about working wages? I'm at LG13 and get 3.4 hour per enroll.
If all 24 workers are at LG13, will there be more rings produced than if all 24 workers are at LG1 and have 1.0 working hour multiplier?

How many hours of work are needed to produce 1 ring? Is it related to LG or are everyone equally at LG1 even if actually at LG13?
[Output] * [Productivity] / [Hours required] = Amount of the final product

In the case of your facility, [Output] is 3.3, and the number of [Hours required] is 100.
These values can be found on the facility's main page: https://www.lordswm.com/object-info.php?id=325

[Productivity] changes each workshift (depending on LG lvl of the enrolled players) and appears in "Facility functioning log" in the very end of the line: https://www.lordswm.com/objectworkers.php?id=325
E.g. the last workshift's productivity equalled 66.40.

This way, we implement the formula: 3.3 * 66.40 / 100 = 2.19 Rings were produced.
Aha, then this is why LG13 players consume more resource from the facility than lowers...
Cool, thx!
@Tanisia many thanks :)
closed by Elrond (2024-07-10 00:35:02)
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