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i have following doubts with Temptresses:
1) do you never get morale,luck for character under seduction?
2) whose talents are in effect for the character under seduction my talent, opponents or none?
3) why can i resurrect only completely perished troops not the ones with lower
hp,while having sun priestesses under control.
tf,nobody play darkness demon here
no you never trigger luck or morale with units hypnotized, but you can trigger stun blind etc. units retaliating can hit luck though. If you steal fury barb boars they will use furys talents. not aure about the priesteses but you should be anle to. Not sure why you would want to when +12 attack on fiends is crazy OP
ok thanks, last one is to resurrect temptresses.
If the temptresses are completely perished you shouldn't be able to have sun priestesses under control.
Hi, slayer is correct that seduced units don't get morale or luck and that the seduced unit uses the talents of the original player/team it is apart of.

On the 3rd point, you should not be able to resurrect according to ru help forums.
"If the temptresses are completely perished you shouldn't be able to have sun priestesses under control" - i use 2.
"On the 3rd point, you should not be able to resurrect according to ru help forums" - you can resurrect your troops given that "they are completely perished".
closed by 1234qwer (2024-07-19 11:59:02)
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