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AuthorFavoured enemy TG

How come that I can use my talent rain of arrows in some thief battles and in some not? Even though I have selected the units in my that are in this battle?
It doesn’t work for all my battles against knights and de. It worked For dwarfs and demons.
Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance
You can see that even though the enemy has the types of units you have selected in favored enemy, their main faction is set to one of them.

e.g., looking at this battle you had against DE

You can see that when you go into your effects that no favored enemies show up.

In this battle you are against DE but they have Shrews so they show up as favored enemies in character effects.

In the first battle you are facing a normal DE but they only have the Tamer Dark Elf's shrews (termagants) so it doesn't count it for you (since their hero is DE).

Personally I'd find this to be a bug but I have no more input apart from this.
Thanks for the explanation. It makes sense if it is intended.
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