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AuthorLow ELO players in CG
I dont know why the balance isn't proper, like always I get 500, 800, 900 ELO players who just click buttons (except the auto) and attack without thinking and make me lose battles which can be won easily, it's just irritating to always see this happen.

Why isn't there a proper balance mechanism to match noobs with noobs?
its actually much better aince they reverted the elo system. it used tonpair anyone with 1300+ elo with sub 500 elo players and make them insta lose games and there was nothing to be done. now at least if you are good player you dont get perma paired with braindead chimps every game, just occasionally.
I still get 800, 900 players as team mates, and that too the same ones again and again on a single day, it's just too much.
Because if you didn’t, someone else would
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