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AuthorBehold!!! I arise... again.
To the inhabitant of this wretched continent, I am Gyver a ruthless Undead Necromancer from the once wonderous land of .com.

About 11 years ago, I was on a mission to save our dying world from calamity.
However, I failed terribly and our land was consumed in an eruption. My Undead slaves did what we could to provide time for the great exodus but I was beaten down into a coma.

For 11 years while I dreamnt, I found myself back amongst the living and doing their meaningless living things: I succumbed to the carnal desire of the flesh and found myself 'tying the knot' to somewhat demonstrate loyalty or commitment. Through the disgusting and unspeakable acts of lust, I became responsible for yet another living thing!!! They relentlessly consumed, excreted and demanded shelter on a daily basis. I committed the ultimate shame in becoming a slave myself to those financial lords via a sacriligeous bond of 'mortgage'!!! These fools dont they know I am the great Undead warrior of our time?!?!? And to be treated as a mere plaything!!!

But I awoke and you will now all feel my wrath. Finally at CL 14, you should be afraid... BE VERY AFRAID... with my Necromancer Faction 9!!! Yes, a mighty 9!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Welcome back.
Stay Awhile and Listen
I am indeed afraid, but alas seem to find myself in similar bondage. Fear not however for the realm of the imagination is infinite in scope and patience and cares not how long it short us your stay. Enjoy your pestilent corpses, I will stick with my swift lady elves, just a shame they only hang around with monsters and have such a thing for knives
Welcome back, always pleased to see old players returning.

Check out the new(ish) guild boost potions in the art store to help pump your pre merge stats.
Mana old user back this past 2 year
Topic moved from "Gratitudes and congratulations" to "Creative works".
I was on a mission to save our dying world from calamity.

It could be but it wasn't me.
Best coming back story ever!! XD

I am glad there are other people from .com starting again after lot of years. Hope to see you on the game!
Welcome back.

With FSP 9, you are so dead :P
Welcome back!
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