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AuthorIgles reaches level 18
He's one level higher, but some may say he's not as smart as he used to be... xD
congratz Igles!
Congrats igles. You are 18 now, you can go to the pub and finally legally buy a drink, unless of course you live in a country where you can own a gun, drive, marry but not drink until 21
I'm afraid he'd have to reach max level before he can drink anything stronger than a cup of tea
aka: tea baggin to the max
Gratz Igles :)

A pleasure to share the fight with you. Now next step 69.
Congrats Igles!
Happy Legality Igles
Thanks Guys :)

Miles the drinking age where i live is 25 so....... yeah........

Anyway i have already completed step 67 which is blow all my level up gold, step 68 which is go into crippling debt for a necro castle and now as pat says i have to do step 69 which is, (depending upon if you have a time machine that can take you before 2003) either classified as god given rights or necrophilia, but either way i will make a bonemeal out of it in one of the senses of the word.

here is to bonegobbling.

*raises flagon*

*shot pans and tilts*

*there is orange juice in the flagon*
Congrats mate!!
The juice be spilling.

Congrats bro!
Thanks guys :)
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