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AuthorMinor tournament
As title said
Finally a break for me
I believe there is a link somewhere in daily for finding out matchups for duels etc, something useful to give some guidance for people like me that has not done much pvp for sufficiently long to not have a good feel for the meta etc.

On that note, what are "good" pvp builds for duels at level 19?

I am thinking mage DE is probably pretty sound (and have good anti Faction for most rush builds) and I am working on building DE to FL12 so would be a "safe" option, though open to advice from those with a better read on this side of things
Yea I should’ve did mage de but I’m pretty committed to elf now since I got like 7 wins maybe I’ll do both, since de my only lv 12 faction
10 or 15 wins?
On the page where I can enroll it says: Victories count per faction: 10
Nightmare. Max number of enrolled player which I have seen today was 5. Pool of players is very small, same faces all the time. 15 seems impossible this way.
Do you still get gold from bronze? Cause my wr is cooked for elf
No idea. I just made few battles to get extra CG points.
Do you still get gold from bronze?

10 or 15 wins?
On the page where I can enroll it says: Victories count per faction: 10

Probably less wins for your level since very less active players there
Does anyone know is it possible to do 20 duels and does it count? Because it is written for me 15 victories count. Reason why iam asking is i lost 2 times already with demon faction but if i can win 18 out of 20 which means 90% win rate and it would be gold achievement?
You can play until you get 15 wins with a faction. Then you have to switch factions if you want to continue. I'm not really sure how achievements are distributed, but I guess the daily page should show correctly: https://daily.heroeswm.ru/mt57/rating
With this link https://daily.heroeswm.ru/mt57/rating , I always have a level of doubt of my interpretation of the faction balance part as to whether you read it going across for that faction or downwards. I am pretty sure it is read as you go along due to the final column indicating whether they are strong or weak, but wanted to double check.

On this interpretation I guess I should not be a classic DE and instead go tribal.
tournament is completely rng based anyway, play any non yolo builds and you get wrecked by 4 luck 4 morale yolo charmers or fury barbs, run full yolo builds and run into defense shadow barbs nonstop, swap to burn and never encounter full def enemies. swap off of burn and instantly full defers :)

how much fun you think this guy had?
Meh, mage DE is lame anyways
man im a shit elf player... like 30 games in tournament and cg with yolo elf with 3 luck, 3 morale and have had like 2 games where efk hit luck/morale on turn 1 :)

but you bet 3 luck UN i face hit luck turn 1 with every unit every time im vs them
its a good thing i dont gamble XD

what are the odds of not hitting luck or morale turn 1 with any units? im genuinely curious for the math people.
it's only 30% on the first turn. so it's unlikely to hit a luck/morale.
How do you counter this UN https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1475124462&show=Ne92PWQE looks like a sick build
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