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AuthorHunt/MG Bonus +3/+5 Based on Faction or Class
Does anyone have evidence that shows whether the bonus points for weak HG/MG battles are based on the character's:

a) Faction (for example if this is true then Battlewise Wizard (BW) gets the same bonus points as Wizard)


b) Class (if this is true then BW and Wizard do not have the same set of "easy" battles)

I know in the past this was based on faction, but I see records are now divided by class, so I'm wondering if this has changed.

I'm not looking for speculation. Evidence is appreciated.

Just so we are all on the same page... Definitions:
- "Bonus Points": the +3/+5 extra guild points "easy" HG/MG battles give.
- "Faction": Elf, Knight, etc. Based on the Castle.
- "Class": Charmer Elf, Elf, Holy Knight, Knight, etc. Based on the army/talents/racial ability.
when i was spamming hg and mg i tried with pharoah and virtually never had anything over +2, swapped to elf and every other mg/hg was +5
But my question is whether or not you would get the same +5s if you were CE as if you were elf.
I have wasted 15 dmds for this so hopefully it comes in useful or maybe some freak dwarf decided to set a new record in the minutes I was doing the test.

I firstly skipped and recorded hunts with Fire Dwarf.
Then I skipped and recorded hunts with Dwarf.

For Fire dwarf I have received the following enemy:

For dwarf I have received the following enemy:

So FD got a +2 while Dwarf got a +3 on Spearmen.

Thus from that I can only deduce that either someone set new records in the short time period or class has an effect.
Also in case post gets deleted cause of external links here is link to my album.


Took a while to upload so didn't do it for the post :D
I have wasted 15 dmds for this so hopefully it comes in useful or maybe some freak dwarf decided to set a new record in the minutes I was doing the test.

I firstly skipped and recorded hunts with Fire Dwarf.
Then I skipped and recorded hunts with Dwarf.

So FD got a +2 while Dwarf got a +3 on Spearmen.

Thus from that I can only deduce that either someone set new records in the short time period or class has an effect.
thanks hapko! perfect.
Your sacrifice will not be forgotten, Hapko.
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