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AuthorBun + Abu-Bakir's charms effects on MG

im trying to do an MG speedrun, as I noticed I have remaining Buns in my inventory, so I thought of doing a mini MG day event for myself and wanted to ask some questions first.

for reference here are the stats of the bun that I will refer to 'https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=magic_bun';

- Does the 'automatic combat' from the bun mean I will have the auto-battle button once I enter the battle, or as in previous MG days there would be a button where the battle auto plays without me placing troops , as this button was available on previous MG days

-Does Abu-Bakir charm's effect of +30% MG frequency add up with the bun's '5 times more often quests'

-Does the speed of the 'premium mount' from abu-bakir's charm equal the drake or the unicorn?

any tips and hints from someone who attempted this before would be appreciated, thanks in advance :D
are you sure that the bun still works? if the buns are from the anniversary event, they have probably expired

Does Abu-Bakir charm's effect of +30% MG frequency add up with the bun's '5 times more often quests'

have not tried with MG, but the stacking works with HG and TG so it should work with MG

-Does the speed of the 'premium mount' from abu-bakir's charm equal the drake or the unicorn?

hmm, guess it's all moot as the bun can still be used but doesn't have an effect, since hopefully, if buns are given out again then the ones I already have will be usable again.

locking the thread.
closed by Disciple Daylen (2024-05-20 12:36:26)
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