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AuthorMirror's Sale
Dear Lords and Ladies

We are announcing about the special Mirror's Sale! Starting today and through 8th of May 2024, buy Diamonds and get +10% for free.

Buy a total of 25 Diamonds or more and get a uniq memorial gift artifact, Mirror of change [45/45] FREE!

Even better, buy a total of 50 Diamonds or more while this sale lasts and get a second uniq artifact, Sword of cold FREE!


Buy a total of 150 Diamonds or more while this sale lasts and get a third uniq artifact, Mirror of change [60/60] FREE!

The unique Mirror of change and Sword of cold artifacts are treated as shop artifacts and their parameters depend on the wearer’s combat level.

Thank you and have a good game!
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2008-2024, online games LordsWM