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Author[Update] Changed Anubis abilities
Original admin post link:

"Sacred scarab larvae" and "Scarab larvae" ability mechanics have been changed.

When this stack perishes, it is replaced by a stack of scarabs four times the size of the original creature stack at the start of the battle.

This means, instead of 4 stacks there will now only be 1 stack. This change will make the battles more dynamic and balanced.
noooo another pharaoh nerf
Huge nerf for LeG.
+ CL25 has been added check top players ratings :D
He's now officially useless in Leg
I guess CL24 must be unlucky or something.
Why I have a feeling this is for preperation of pair pirate event
really dumb. Should have just changed leadership cost if LeG was a concern.
for diversecity:
my guess the AI does not know or does not learn to use scarabs in ways players are using them like going back and just blocking melee units from ever reaching your shooters xD
even dumber
Also anubis needs to be cheaper now
I was about to build Pharao castle, now I'm not sure... would be nice to add rage ability to elephants then
I guess CL24 must be unlucky or something.

They added 2 combat levels, some players already have enough exp to beat cl24

This is a HUGE update on so many levels
on so many levels

Loving the pun
pharaoh is pathetically weak now, i better see the biggest pharaoh buff in the next rebalance. i dont think ive seen anybody play pharaoh at all lmao

4 stacks of scarabs to 1 feels like a bit of an overkill, could have nerfed it down to 2 stacks first or something idk
Whats the point of Pharaoh at this point
Whats the point of Pharaoh at this point
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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