Report on the experiment № 32556-2
Research object: space and time.
Experimental objective: creating an automatic point of early detection and elimination of spatio-temporal anomalous formations.
Instruments used:
Object 1: "Crystal tuning fork" (see the report on experiment № 32555) – 1 pc. Device: time crystal (faceted, small, high stability, low pliability); frame (processed gold). Status: deposited in the workshop storage.
Object 2: "Crystal beacon" (see the report on experiment № 32556-1) – 1 pc. Device: time crystal (faceted, very large, medium stability, high pliability); platform (catalytic alloy); a grain of dark time crystal (characteristics not researched). Status: time and location unknown as of reporting date (???).
Theory and methodology: interaction of channeled and diffused energy flows; early extinguishing of instability points through the method of preventive wave smoothing of the fabric of space and time.
Empirical outcome: could not be tested due to destabilization of Object 1 prior to the onset of the fieldwork.
Experimantal status: suspended until the investigation into the causes of destabilization of Object 1 is completed.
Her Majesty's Councilor on the studies of the magical sciences Bilir.
Lords and Ladies, Councilor Bilir offers his deepest apologies to all of you for the abrupt cancellation of the forthcoming expedition. He is grateful to each of you, who responded to his call and kept him pleasant company on his way back to the workshop. Having assessed the extent of the impression you made on him, the magician determined to compensate for his scientific misjudgment by presenting you with a peculiar gift of his wondrous inventions. All those who, in theory, would have had no trouble defeating the 10th stage enemy received a unique artifact from Councilor's hands. Its durability depends on the potential number of points each of you could have scored during the thrilling expedition if it hadn't been canceled.
The contribution of the presumable top 75 military clans was also especially noted by Empire — a well-deserved reward and the loyalty of new followers awaits all worthy ones who surely could have brought at least 8,000 points to the clan:
Clan rank | Reward | Glory | | 1 | | 1,500 | | 2 | | 1,300 | | 3 | | 1,100 | | 4 | | 1,000 | | 5 - 8 | | 900 | | 9 - 13 | | 800 | 9. | #846 | IV legion of Elfius: Инквизиция | 7,086,494 | 10. | #997 | Бастион Доблести | 6,707,280 | 11. | #326 | Герои Уничтоженных Империй | 6,648,431 | 12. | #7777 | Бессмертные | 6,526,270 | 13. | #17 | Авалон | 6,446,354 |
| 14 - 20 | | 600 | 14. | #5152 | †Огненные рубежи† | 6,392,437 | 15. | #823 | Ginger Tail | 6,364,133 | 16. | #1209 | Any Key | 6,203,507 | 17. | #2517 | The Dedicated Fighters | 5,812,637 | 18. | #14 | Братство Стали | 5,718,540 | 19. | #249 | Белая Русь | 5,605,343 | 20. | #276 | Молот Ведьм | 5,588,551 |
| 21 - 30 | | 500 | 21. | #9426 | Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев | 5,398,112 | 22. | #10557 | Dracarys | 5,321,226 | 23. | #3305 | Украина. Величие Запада | 5,280,824 | 24. | #73 | Орден Джедаев | 5,235,696 | 25. | #782 | Легион Грешников | 5,195,002 | 26. | #302 | Орден Единых | 5,139,078 | 27. | #407 | Asgard | 5,131,030 | 28. | #728 | Улей | 5,094,808 | 29. | #965 | Земли Эльмора | 5,057,141 | 30. | #2303 | III legion of Elfius | 5,022,625 |
| 31 - 45 | | 400 | 31. | #10721 | Fire Kingdom | 5,018,419 | 32. | #8502 | ~Orden of snow leopards~ | 4,958,403 | 33. | #2735 | Ангелы смерти | 4,873,735 | 34. | #1512 | † Nekropolis † | 4,774,709 | 35. | #5169 | Белые волки | 4,605,582 | 36. | #1790 | Орден "Клинок теней". | 4,304,994 | 37. | #12045 | #Власть Народа# | 4,208,164 | 38. | #57 | Тридевятое королевство | 4,202,783 | 39. | #5063 | Midgard | 4,182,466 | 40. | #8433 | _Чудная Долина_ | 4,143,516 | 41. | #12234 | Санаторий Виктория | 4,059,608 | 42. | #6118 | Владыки Мира Империи | 3,934,456 | 43. | #2230 | Агенты Хаоса | 3,910,329 | 44. | #3975 | Степное Братство | 3,891,895 | 45. | #346 | Свои | 3,838,061 |
| 46 - 60 | | 250 | 46. | #10592 | Холодная Сталь | 3,809,496 | 47. | #5722 | Галерея Теней | 3,784,774 | 48. | #493 | Говорящие с Ветром | 3,398,594 | 49. | #1488 | Тёмная лига Некромантов | 3,360,610 | 50. | #27 | Орда | 3,264,182 | 51. | #2302 | II legion of Elfius | 3,045,469 | 52. | #10877 | Warsong Outriders | 3,008,246 | 53. | #5041 | Орион | 2,918,565 | 54. | #2939 | Стая | 2,746,863 | 55. | #2304 | IV legion of Elfius | 2,712,114 | 56. | #1787 | Scorpion | 2,658,008 | 57. | #7490 | Rising Phoenix | 2,642,606 | 58. | #7705 | † Angels & Demons ? | 2,617,740 | 59. | #3695 | Бездельники | 2,590,213 | 60. | #1271 | Братство Героев | 2,518,767 |
| 61 - 75 | | 100 | 61. | #3303 | Украина. Ярость Севера | 2,445,992 | 62. | #11096 | The Witcher | 2,434,110 | 63. | #11576 | Украина. Огнем и Мечом | 2,185,411 | 64. | #1317 | Запорожская Сечь | 1,760,473 | 65. | #1254 | Миракулюс | 1,716,121 | 66. | #12447 | † Короли Имперской Власти † | 1,692,875 | 67. | #15 | Destiny | 1,629,413 | 68. | #522 | Властители семи ветров | 1,606,968 | 69. | #63 | Desperados | 1,555,310 | 70. | #3346 | Радуга | 1,526,851 | 71. | #414 | Утёс Кастерли | 1,515,397 | 72. | #933 | Warriors | 1,349,547 | 73. | #387 | Дворец в Империи | 1,208,034 | 74. | #9595 | Immortal Dynasty | 1,080,367 | 75. | #2745 | Черный Отряд | 1,016,058 |
Additional gratitude is extended to the potential top 5,000 Lords and Ladies who would have definitely achieved honorable results with their skillful command. This envisioned feat, for sure, will multiply the number of your glorious followers.
Lord/Lady rank | Reward | 1 - 50 | | 51 - 100 | | 101 - 200 | | 201 - 400 | | 401 - 650 | | 651 - 1000 | | 1001 - 1500 | | 1501 - 2250 | | 2251 - 3000 | | 3001 - 3750 | | 3751 - 5000 | |
The names of the theoretically best Lords and Ladies, who undoubtedly would have obtained the most remarkable results, will forever go down in history of the Empire!
Lord/Lady | Points | slayerofall [19] | 91,360 | Anasteysha [20] | 91,360 | Легионер [22] | 91,360 | Penguin [23] | 91,360 | NightScorpion98 [17] | 91,360 | Эрик друг [20] | 91,360 | Rmsi [19] | 91,360 | Гармингольд [19] | 91,360 | Акелыч [18] | 91,360 | Нибирунг [16] | 91,360 | Gradient [23] | 91,360 | -читеренок- [21] | 91,360 | karlik-leg [23] | 91,360 | Экспофоб [17] | 91,360 | taiger1 [22] | 91,360 | COYG [20] | 91,360 | Sage Jiraiya [18] | 91,360 | Парфюмер [22] | 91,360 | Venom [20] | 91,360 | Scarlet_ [19] | 91,360 | ден-герой [23] | 91,360 | Something begins [17] | 91,360 | tr1shka [18] | 91,360 | Lord Ragnaros [19] | 91,360 | ВадимчикС [20] | 91,360 | рыбкин [18] | 91,360 | xvxPAINxvx [22] | 91,360 | _Son of Anarchy_ [19] | 91,360 | A-MeTeOr- [22] | 91,360 | Томасдурдома [18] | 91,360 | Igor-dmitriev [21] | 91,360 | Mihondr [18] | 91,360 | Антихрист_РнД [21] | 91,360 | Time_To_Defeat [19] | 91,360 | fentry [23] | 91,360 | ГРАД [23] | 91,360 | Pu-239 [22] | 91,360 | vasilyich [18] | 91,360 | Михаил [18] | 91,360 | kmkmk [19] | 91,360 | Contra Legem [19] | 91,360 | МельмотСкиталец [21] | 91,360 | JaponaLady [17] | 91,360 | Goodley [21] | 91,360 | Н_е_ф_и_л_и_М [22] | 91,360 | Pray for Ukraine [18] | 91,360 | tell [19] | 91,360 | Satan 666 [18] | 91,360 | lbvflbvf [20] | 91,360 | diesmal [19] | 91,360 | ---red-wolf--- [23] | 91,360 | -HENRY- [20] | 91,360 | anya-elv [20] | 91,360 | ORION [20] | 91,360 | InfinityAndBeyond [19] | 91,360 | Sfairat_ [20] | 91,360 | Darth Vader [16] | 91,360 | Nobiys [20] | 90,615 | 1санчос1 [17] | 90,615 | Tifosi [21] | 90,615 | Maverick [20] | 90,615 | МартинИден [21] | 90,615 | Bugy [20] | 90,615 | Krizis [19] | 90,615 | Кардинал [20] | 90,615 | death_is_near [19] | 90,615 | dragon g [21] | 90,615 | Nadya2229 [22] | 90,615 | Лосось [19] | 90,615 | слип_найт [20] | 90,615 | JoKeR2503 [21] | 90,615 | Kiler05 [16] | 90,615 | SilentHill [22] | 90,615 | БуумБуум [17] | 90,615 | IGOR_HUNTER [21] | 90,615 | The___Hitman [20] | 90,615 | Tysivchanin [21] | 90,615 | _СЕРЫЙ_ВОЛЧАРА_ [22] | 90,615 | Ser Killer [19] | 90,615 | Ахиллесс [22] | 90,615 | Perrsifona [20] | 90,615 | Левиофан [23] | 90,615 | Krab [17] | 90,615 | Redh [21] | 90,615 | ззверь [23] | 90,615 | reLim [22] | 90,615 | КровавыйОладушек [21] | 90,615 | Лайнлер [20] | 90,615 | -_-Дмитрий-_- [21] | 90,615 | _Mad [22] | 90,615 | Wild Death [18] | 90,615 | Лань Тьмы [21] | 90,615 | ЛУЧнЧНИк [18] | 90,615 | паровоз Брюстер [17] | 90,615 | -D-R-A-G-N- [20] | 90,615 | robinxobb [21] | 90,615 | Sacura-Mak [22] | 90,615 | Svoi [19] | 90,615 | Даня [19] | 90,615 | Аанг [20] | 90,615 | Зотз [23] | 90,615 | awen [20] | 90,615 | Марточка [19] | 90,615 | D_Wolf_ [20] | 90,615 | Intikam [19] | 90,615 | Samson [21] | 90,615 | Ракета [17] | 90,615 | Crap_Devil [18] | 90,615 | Котлован [20] | 90,615 | anisimov [22] | 90,615 | ПовелительМории [18] | 90,615 | Mr smaile [16] | 90,615 | beglis [23] | 90,615 | Глашка [22] | 90,615 | Артеройд [21] | 90,615 | ApostolANDREY [22] | 90,615 | Mirn [20] | 90,615 | BangFire [21] | 90,615 | Jack Daniels [17] | 90,615 | l-l-l [22] | 90,615 | peln [22] | 90,615 | Kitana85 [19] | 90,615 | Мухрик [20] | 90,615 | -v0v1k- [21] | 90,615 | Aladdin [19] | 90,615 | Мемхотеп [17] | 90,615 | Drake2015 [20] | 90,615 | Виталий [21] | 90,615 | Shinobi777 [19] | 90,615 | ИльяТаров [22] | 90,615 | Bloody_Igris [22] | 90,615 | Аль Седекс [19] | 90,615 | _lordhero_ [17] | 90,615 | КоТёНоЧеГгГ [17] | 90,615 | Asid-All [20] | 90,615 | Александеръ [21] | 90,615 | z_j_cd [20] | 90,615 | Нириус [21] | 90,615 | ---БариН--- [21] | 90,615 | А л е к с [21] | 90,615 | Режим [20] | 90,615 | HardForAll [18] | 90,615 | nipnip [20] | 90,615 | wovich [21] | 90,615 | Кога [20] | 90,615 | latviesu lords [18] | 90,615 | AzraelT [19] | 90,615 | truehard [17] | 90,615 | ScroogeMcDuck [21] | 90,615 | Tiraksor [21] | 90,615 | герой-феникса [20] | 90,615 |
Glory to the Lords and Ladies of the Empire! |