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Author[2024.02.15] Day of the Builder
Astrologers proclaim the Day of the Builder! Only today:

  • All castle buildings cost 10% less to construct.
  • good
    how to get 700k EXP in a day efficiently?
    for Blindspot:
    AG with a mirror
    ohh good idea. Let me try it. Thanks bro!
    damn each battle gives too less exp. 2.5k

    Need to do around 250 battles for that...Too expensive xD
    Do theif guild battles. You may be lower than average tg level for your CL. If it is case you can get Tg potion, but still to get That required experience you may need 150-200 battles.
    for Jassi:
    Wish I realised this earlier.
    Getting around 5.6k exp in TG battles. And they are quick with the potion and anyway have to reach at least 5 TG level. Thanks let me try this out for the remaining time
    for Blindspot:
    quick tournaments but you have to wear full enchantments or be lucky in 3v3
    Couldn't level up but atleast got a new castle :)
    This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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