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AuthorHow much would you pay to rent a Great Ocean set?
As a follow up to my previous post, I wanted to gauge interest in renting a Great Ocean set (including the backpack Eye). With the cloak, it gives:
+37 ATK, +39 DEF, +9 SPL, +11 KNO, +35% INI.
+50% magic proof;
Ignore 35.2% magic resist;
+24% melee damage;
+24% ranged resist;
+27% melee resist;
+6% lord initiative.

With the bow, it gives:
+41 ATK, +37 DEF, +7 SPL, +9 KNO, +34% INI.
+50% magic proof;
Ignore 19% magic resist;
+24% melee damage;
+6% ranged resist.
+27% melee resist;
+6% lord initiative.
+2 range to shooters.
+20% ranged damage.

And 123 AP either way.
I'm thinking 4000/battle. Is that fair?
More fair than unfair. But also more unfair than fair. Though I doubt this set will see much demand, you might lower it a bit.
unless enchanted it has very few uses
for Marco Reus:
I'm thinking 4000/battle. Is that fair?

for Marquise: I'm not really sure if anyone would lease it for that price + it is unenchanted too. Adventurer's set would cost like 6k, fully enchanted for 1 battle and it is probably the best set right now after imperials so I hope you get the context.
I see what you’re saying. I was thinking for use in the AG context. What do people use a fully enchanted Adventurers Set for? I figure clan vs clan battles, but wouldn’t the really competitive players use a imperial/fear/magma whatever set instead?
for Marquise:
people use Adventurer's for events that allow any arts if they don't have imperials
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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