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AuthorAbolish the enrolment mechanic / labourers guild
I'm sorry if this has been suggested before, I was surprised to not find anything like it. I think the enrolment mechanic is bad and I would be extremely surprised to find a player who enjoys it in its current form. As far as I can tell, the only use it has in the game is the production of resources and artefacts (in exchange for gold). I'm convinced this can be achieved in a far less tedious way. There are multiple ways one could go about it, but my suggestion is to remove the labourers guild altogether.

- Alternative way of producing resources and artefacts: Facilities can function pretty much the same as they do now as if each shift would be filled with workers as much as possible (limited by the maximum number of workers, gold balance for wages, available resources, and current stock of products - like it is now). This is a safe assumption at least for machining and production facilities, which are always filled anyway. If it turns out to be a problem for mining, the maximum number of "workers" (now completely virtual!) can be reduced.

- Alternative player income: There are many more enjoyable ways to offset the lost gold income for the players. An "easy" fix would be to increase the gold rewards in WG (WG because there is a fixed number of quests each day). If players made ~5k gold each day from enrolment, this gold can be divided among the 3/4 WG quest rewards (it can now scale with WG level instead of LG). Another option is to have daily rewards based on the number of wins / exp gain / fsp gained on that day. E.g., if you win 1 battle in a day, you get 1k gold, if you win 3, you get 2k, ..., if you win 10, you get 5k. These numbers were made up on the fly.

- Alternative source of defense: Players also gain defense from LG. To counter this loss, extra defense can be given at appropriate faction skill levels. E.g., let's say players reach LG2 on average at CL5, where the average FSL is 3. Then give 1 extra def as a bonus for FSL 3.

There! Enrolment is gone, LG is gone, and we have a less tedious game :) Let me know what you think and if I missed anything.
I would rather enroll than do WG.

I would also rather enroll than be forced to do a battle every day.

The cleanest solution would be to give a certain amount of gold for logging in every day. I somehow don't think that this will happen though. :)
I'd say keep it as it is and if you want more gold in same labour Guild you have an option to do a battle for like extra 100% gold and random resource
Wait, what? You guys actually enjoy solving captchas in your free time?
No I don't of course but I am ok with one click
Wait, what? You guys actually enjoy solving captchas in your free time?

It's relative.
A less invasive suggestion/ one that rocks the boat less: I think we could make the UX more tolerable by (1) making enrolling possible at the main (home.php) page and (2) making it so that captchas RANDOMLY appear instead of every time we enroll.

(2) is more than enough to catch the botters who bot, at the same time people who don't automate it get higher LG. It aligns with their intention to balance the game out stat-wise, people would start having much more similar LG levels.
Having LG isn't bad, it helps with player retention, and also with inflating online numbers.

Alternative source of income: This problem has to be solved in a way that doesn't involve additional battles. A pretty big part of the player base is allergic to battles, but wants money; gamblers, for example... I can't think of any but it would be interesting to hear what the community suggests.

Alternative stats: I like your suggestion but iT deVaLuES the existing player base's hard work (often in the timescale of years)

While I hate LG myself, I think it is quite unlikely LG will be removed.

To add to my points (1) and (2) above, I think it would be nice if they could (3) make the captchas solvable with a mouse/fingers, as it greatly reduces the effort required.
auto enroll for everyone and problem solved
i no longer do captcha. I just do the free 5 enrolls with the click and be done with it.
i no longer do captcha. I just do the free 5 enrolls with the click and be done with it.
Enrolling is a weird mechanic but it kind of feels like changing it undermines the game in some way.

I think daily challenges should be a thing or just a daily login gold amount.

I think the LG mechanic and slow rate of gold saving is what makes the game money. If gold was easy to come by then donation amounts would drop.

Gold gets easier as the game goes on, LG increases, gold from fights increases and once castles are built there is less stuff to buy.
Well, color me extremely surprised.
I would also rather enroll than be forced to do a battle every day.

Why exactly are you still playing lol?
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // No need to name call]
May be increase the auto enrolls per day as the LG is leveled up
for Marco Reus:
Let it go bro
Why exactly are you still playing lol?

Some days, I don't. That's the entire point - I do combats when I feel like it and I enroll when I feel like it.
I agree with Another Player. There's a difference between doing battles because you want to, as opposed to having to do it for a teensy bit of gold.
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