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AuthorGold transfer between too much
https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4885057 receive so much gold from https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4854142

2023-12-24 16:41: Received 300000 Gold from Mantap: Coba lagi siapa tahu beruntung!
2023-12-24 12:11: Received 500000 Gold from Mantap: Tolong bantu aku untuk kelola emas ini. Terima kasih

2023-12-14 03:47: Received 150000 Gold from Mantap: Kurang kurangin minta uang -_-. Nanti ada event roulete coba!

2023-03-08 05:18: Transferred 2000000 Gold for Mantap, Commission charged: 20000: Ini gold aku kembalikan. Gagal dalam pengelolaannya. Terima Kasih

2023-03-06 08:31: Received 3000000 Gold from Mantap: Tolong dikelola dengan baik. Nanti kalo sukses bisa dikembalikan, kalo tidak ya sudah

2023-03-06 04:46: Received 2000000 Gold from Mantap: Ini aku transfer gold ya bro. Pakai dengan sebaik mungkin untuk game. Thanks
3.95mil nice
[Post deleted by moderator Lexa // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Lexa // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Lexa // ]
closed by Lexa (2024-02-25 09:01:15)
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