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Authorhunter license question
is it worth to buy 30day hunter license?
30day 60% with 4 diamond
30day 30% with 20000gold

should i use diamond?
That is a question that only you can answer, is it worth that money to be able to hunt more often?
It’s worth it if you are playing 8 hours a day. Otherwise it’s just a nice convenience
Abu Bakir Charm aka ABC already complet package no need other
- Double inventory capacity;
- Double market lots maximum;
- Hunters', Mercenaries', Thieves', Rangers' encounters 30% more often;
- Opportunity to change Watchers' Guild errand once a day (if no stars have been earned)
- Faction skill in all combats +10%;
- Laborers' Guild points acquired +50%;
- Maximum number of leaders guild tasks increased to 4;
- Premium mount with antithief option.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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