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AuthorMoney or Cucumber
If you had an option of choosing between 10,000 dollars or gifting a cucumber to admins, how big will your gift be?
Giving a cucumber during no nut november can lead to no good.
gifting a tomato so they can make a salad
I'll take the $10,000 and buy a cucumber with and gift it to them
Wow, Elden Lord with the big brain moves.
weird englishmen
cucumber makes for a good salad. so cucumbers
Where is my money?
(In Dope Wars voice)
I'd eat the cucumber and pocket the money!
As long as you don't use your teeth, I'm sure Marco would like that.
4 inches
How big does a cucumber need to be to sell for $10,000?
6 1/3 inch.
So small, i'll take money and make any dish from cucumber and give it to admin xD
I'll find a cucumber that's nice and prickly
for virtual_vitrea:
5 years old zombies have invaded this forum...
for Warlock naviron:
Can you elaborate a little, my cucumber loving friend?
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