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AuthorHG guide offering up to 5 points
Hi all, i have not been playing in a long time. upon returning the other day i noticed hunts were offering up to 5 HG points for a fight. Why is this?
On easy hunts and MG quests, you get up to 5 difficulty lvls cumulated at once with reward cumulated aswell.
It must be a way of incentivising us to do the easy hunts. Either way i won't complain with 5 points in 1 hunt!
Do the MG quests too. Element drop chance and gold reward is increased also 5 times.
How does the experience of these +5 hg fights compare to doing the fights individually?
In my experience, it's the same as if there was no +5 bonus.
You are skipping the next four regular hunts (each x1.3 creatures), so creature count increases by x1.3^5 (or x1.3^4 more than normal).
but do not do them, dont take the easy way out, do +1 hunts and be stronger
Switching to classic elf increases the chance to get +3 & +5 in hunt. Happy hunting !
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