The last of the rescued prisoners were rising from the depths, accompanied by their brave liberators. The next phase of the rescue operation was inexorably drawing to a close, and nothing stood in the way of their longed-for freedom. Just a few formalities...
- It is in your best interest to try to remember more details about the kidnapping and captivity, - In a calm voice, but as if concealing some underlying threat, Councilor Feurlis said, looming like a dark shadow over one of the freed prisoners.
- An urgent message, master, - The voice of the vampire who appeared behind Feurlis back instantly dispelled the atmosphere of tension the necromancer had so carefully woven.
In a moment, the advisor turned to look at his subordinate, but then he caught the outline of Her Majesty's coat of arms on the seal that bound the rolled up scroll in his hands. Silently taking the message and unfolding it, the necromancer quickly glanced over its contents.
- Curious... - suddenly said Feurlis, and then returned the scroll to the vampire, - Keep an eye on our mystery guest, - he ordered, and immediately added, - But don't interfere with his plans.
The vampire bowed his head obediently and hurried away. And the councilor, thinking for a moment, suddenly returned his blank stare to the interrogator. The necromancer still wanted answers to his questions.
Lords and Ladies, the next stage of the rescue operation in the depths of the underground caves has been successfully completed! Thousands of freed prisoners express their immense gratitude to their rescuers! And even if the deed down there remains in the shadow of history, the Empire still knows the names of its Lords and Ladies and is ready for each of them, who have recruited an army of 30,000 or more, to celebrate with a well-deserved award and a trophy artifact. The strength of the artifact depends on the final power of the whole army:
All Lords and Ladies, who gained an army total of 65,000 or more, were given parts of Magma Cloak 1 to 15 parts. The number of parts depends on the final power of the whole army.
All Lords and Ladies who achieve at least one victory may receive a gold participation award! The reward depends on the number of victories, the power of the final army and the Lord or Lady's combat level. Gold is issued on the page of underground caves..
What's more, the contribution of the top 75 military clans is especially noted! A reward and the loyalty of new followers awaits all deserving ones who bring 60,000 points or more to the clan:
Clan rank | Reward | Glory | | 1 | | 1,500 | | 2 | | 1,300 | | 3 | | 1,100 | | 4 | | 1,000 | | 5 - 8 | | 900 | | 9 - 13 | | 800 | 9. | #18 | †Орден Миротворцев† | 74,392,099 | 10. | #326 | Герои Уничтоженных Империй | 73,142,429 | 11. | #7777 | Бессмертные | 70,588,094 | 12. | #823 | Ginger Tail | 69,648,470 | 13. | #997 | Бастион Доблести | 69,456,638 |
| 14 - 20 | | 600 | 14. | #73 | Орден Джедаев | 69,114,351 | 15. | #10886 | Гиперборея 1685 | 67,638,236 | 16. | #17 | Авалон | 65,417,750 | 17. | #8502 | ~Orden of snow leopards~ | 64,943,675 | 18. | #276 | Молот Ведьм | 64,706,787 | 19. | #9426 | Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев | 64,054,929 | 20. | #965 | Земли Эльмора | 63,300,075 |
| 21 - 30 | | 500 | 21. | #302 | Орден Единых | 63,197,565 | 22. | #249 | Белая Русь | 63,036,618 | 23. | #14 | Братство Стали | 61,886,596 | 24. | #10557 | Dracarys | 61,816,076 | 25. | #1512 | † Nekropolis † | 60,834,200 | 26. | #5169 | Белые волки | 58,600,857 | 27. | #11532 | Greshniki | 58,249,321 | 28. | #10721 | Стальной Дозор | 57,855,026 | 29. | #2304 | IV legion of Elfius | 57,207,924 | 30. | #846 | IV legion of Elfius: Инквизиция | 57,181,244 |
| 31 - 45 | | 400 | 31. | #1488 | Тёмная лига Некромантов | 56,055,945 | 32. | #5722 | Галерея Теней | 55,336,023 | 33. | #3305 | Украина. Величие Запада | 55,325,392 | 34. | #57 | Тридевятое королевство | 53,765,959 | 35. | #8433 | _Чудная Долина_ | 52,849,621 | 36. | #7490 | Rising Phoenix | 52,359,139 | 37. | #1790 | Орден "Клинок теней". | 51,832,803 | 38. | #5063 | Midgard | 50,705,627 | 39. | #3695 | Бездельники | 50,653,386 | 40. | #2230 | Агенты Хаоса | 48,838,515 | 41. | #407 | Asgard | 48,027,162 | 42. | #493 | Говорящие с Ветром | 47,098,564 | 43. | #1317 | Великое Княжество | 46,968,650 | 44. | #2517 | The Dedicated Fighters | 45,711,502 | 45. | #346 | Свои | 44,401,636 |
| 46 - 60 | | 250 | 46. | #3975 | Степное Братство | 44,367,769 | 47. | #10592 | Холодная Сталь | 43,282,074 | 48. | #708 | Скифия | 42,454,173 | 49. | #2303 | III legion of Elfius | 41,993,171 | 50. | #1787 | Scorpion | 41,277,119 | 51. | #2902 | Амазония | 40,228,752 | 52. | #933 | Warriors | 39,399,375 | 53. | #2735 | Ангелы смерти | 39,342,370 | 54. | #728 | Улей | 38,645,842 | 55. | #3303 | Украина. Ярость Севера | 38,580,852 | 56. | #11093 | Warming hellfire | 37,468,691 | 57. | #7705 | † Angels & Demons Ψ | 37,203,792 | 58. | #10877 | Warsong Outriders | 37,179,781 | 59. | #6118 | Владыки Мира Империи | 34,544,929 | 60. | #1271 | Братство Героев | 32,951,469 |
| 61 - 75 | | 100 | 61. | #15 | Destiny | 32,513,434 | 62. | #387 | [Gemstone: Дух Альянса] | 30,185,647 | 63. | #5041 | Орион | 27,379,051 | 64. | #11096 | The Witcher | 26,261,864 | 65. | #1254 | Миракулюс | 24,143,155 | 66. | #63 | Desperados | 23,163,103 | 67. | #4260 | Легион Ордена Тамплиеров | 22,988,723 | 68. | #6629 | Монастырь Шаолинь | 22,760,189 | 69. | #3346 | Радуга | 22,322,506 | 70. | #1712 | -Пылающий Легион- | 21,873,423 | 71. | #644 | Гвардия Grail Keepers | 21,607,680 | 72. | #522 | Властители семи ветров | 21,571,218 | 73. | #11353 | Воскрешенные из Ада | 20,416,652 | 74. | #782 | IV legion of Elfius: Black Legion | 20,360,271 | 75. | #10399 | ~DarkSide~ | 20,288,239 |
And a special thank you to the top 5,000 Lords and Ladies who managed to form an army of the greatest power. The ranks of your followers will be enriched by the few casual witnesses to this accomplishment:
Lord/Lady rank | Reward | 1 - 50 | | 51 - 100 | | 101 - 200 | | 201 - 400 | | 401 - 650 | | 651 - 1000 | | 1001 - 1500 | | 1501 - 2250 | | 2251 - 3000 | | 3001 - 3750 | | 3751 - 5000 | |
The names of the best Lords and Ladies:
Rank | Lord/Lady | Army strength | 1. | Kovvv [10] | 1,416,187 | 2. | Парфюмер [21] | 1,404,637 | 3. | Mirkys [6] | 1,374,079 | 4. | ---red-wolf--- [23] | 1,347,078 | 5. | GucciXXX [10] | 1,344,705 | 6. | anisimov [22] | 1,336,241 | 7. | - LuX - [8] | 1,329,794 | 8. | Воля Мертвых [15] | 1,324,336 | 9. | WLZ [12] | 1,321,363 | 10. | NIKITO5 [14] | 1,315,152 | 11. | a_yakovin [16] | 1,302,312 | 12. | Кирсикка [10] | 1,293,634 | 13. | Шашечка [10] | 1,282,541 | 14. | Darth Vader [15] | 1,274,557 | 15. | luckerok [14] | 1,273,274 | 16. | KiteworlD [11] | 1,272,182 | 17. | NightScorpion98 [17] | 1,267,325 | 18. | Tifossi85 [20] | 1,263,851 | 19. | Javechka [10] | 1,261,995 | 20. | Основа Милань [7] | 1,261,143 | 21. | TINDEK [9] | 1,260,627 | 22. | МельмотСкиталец [21] | 1,250,112 | 23. | НизамчтО [10] | 1,248,741 | 24. | Beriar [12] | 1,248,168 | 25. | HARD LORD [15] | 1,236,379 | 26. | RUS2022 [11] | 1,236,309 | 27. | GRIZZLY777 [22] | 1,233,395 | 28. | Soulcatcher [13] | 1,232,811 | 29. | slayerofall [19] | 1,231,963 | 30. | Penguin [22] | 1,230,411 | 31. | Легионер [22] | 1,229,640 | 32. | Nobiys [20] | 1,228,864 | 33. | Timoxxx [17] | 1,225,693 | 34. | ФилантропЪ [13] | 1,224,904 | 35. | ReZero [18] | 1,224,268 | 36. | Paradox-x-x [23] | 1,223,216 | 37. | ANDRSerg [15] | 1,222,456 | 38. | Gradient [22] | 1,217,737 | 39. | BangFire [21] | 1,214,383 | 40. | n1jo [14] | 1,210,166 | 41. | МартинИден [20] | 1,209,911 | 42. | hardwester [14] | 1,204,694 | 43. | xvxPAINxvx [22] | 1,202,868 | 44. | Крымский воин [11] | 1,202,191 | 45. | _СЕРЫЙ_ВОЛЧАРА_ [22] | 1,202,096 | 46. | ApostolANDREY [22] | 1,200,068 | 47. | muzahacka2 [9] | 1,199,923 | 48. | Kiler05 [14] | 1,197,466 | 49. | Некраслав [17] | 1,195,928 | 50. | Бэмби [12] | 1,195,912 | 51. | Anasteysha [19] | 1,195,281 | 52. | Rotsh [19] | 1,195,139 | 53. | DarkFate [14] | 1,194,035 | 54. | Псевдоним [9] | 1,190,121 | 55. | ХиндигоХ [19] | 1,188,482 | 56. | Eramond [13] | 1,188,471 | 57. | Люджа [13] | 1,185,949 | 58. | Котлован [19] | 1,185,706 | 59. | Zeus5 [10] | 1,184,164 | 60. | _Hervind_ [16] | 1,183,330 | 61. | Зотз [23] | 1,181,226 | 62. | Samson [20] | 1,179,639 | 63. | Lord Ragnaros [19] | 1,178,613 | 64. | fata1ist [16] | 1,177,907 | 65. | ден-герой [23] | 1,177,058 | 66. | EVSey [22] | 1,176,409 | 67. | Гельд [14] | 1,175,175 | 68. | Вельветовый [12] | 1,172,126 | 69. | Паразониум [21] | 1,169,751 | 70. | flash_metall [18] | 1,166,739 | 71. | Гармингольд [18] | 1,166,026 | 72. | Alex Spoc [14] | 1,164,708 | 73. | Sulmeldis [14] | 1,163,023 | 74. | Time_To_Defeat [18] | 1,162,550 | 75. | Мартелл [18] | 1,161,641 | 76. | z_j_cd [19] | 1,160,719 | 77. | Animasik60 [9] | 1,159,814 | 78. | Таргариен [13] | 1,158,543 | 79. | Berange [15] | 1,156,243 | 80. | Sage Jiraiya [18] | 1,155,720 | 81. | Alex-Das [11] | 1,153,902 | 82. | Segr [15] | 1,153,477 | 83. | Avaro [20] | 1,152,916 | 84. | Reviewer [12] | 1,150,687 | 85. | kelt6263 [15] | 1,149,680 | 86. | Ykliandr [8] | 1,149,524 | 87. | Grand_slam [18] | 1,148,478 | 88. | Plantagenet [15] | 1,147,779 | 89. | lbvflbvf [19] | 1,145,130 | 90. | Горгомела [14] | 1,144,491 | 91. | Даня [18] | 1,141,142 | 92. | Baffik95 [7] | 1,140,424 | 93. | Synda [13] | 1,139,759 | 94. | Моя Санта [16] | 1,138,241 | 95. | Takall [13] | 1,137,141 | 96. | ТоММу [23] | 1,135,774 | 97. | JaWeL [12] | 1,133,346 | 98. | Скорбъ [15] | 1,130,942 | 99. | exbis [20] | 1,129,544 | 100. | lIAHAHAClI [23] | 1,128,008 |
Cheers! |