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AuthorLost acc
Is there any way i can get back my old acc? i cant remeber the password or the email. I can give you information regarding on the payment method that was used as well as the amount of money i have put into the acc. Also i can tell you from how many computers it was mainly logged in.
What character are we talking about? Where is the nickname or link?

The password can only be recovered via email, no other way
the acc is from 2013 .... it has been like 10 years all my known passwords dont work and i have no clue what the emial was. Tha account's name is lipoyoyo. i remeber that i payed 15 euros in total 5 and the later 10 and the payment method was paysafe. This is also one of my old accounts that i managed to somehow recover.
this one?
Unfortunately, the character does not have an email, just like lipopopopo
don't be lazy to put email
yep that one... i was like 12 back then so xD soo is there anything we can do ? i can offer info only the own knows and i might have the idea what the pass is like but i have to try a ot of combinations if i wanna get the right one ...i remeber that i changed it slightly from what the old pass was.... but i actually forgot what the change was... it was like late around 12 a.m? here
i am not gonna leak the pass but if i remeber correctly it was like the last 1 or 2 digities of my pass that was changed ? hard to say after like 10 years ? at least i am under that impression.. have tried several passwords but none seem to work
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