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AuthorAdventurers' guild help
Guys This is the only guild i have not done much for yet.
So I was wondering.
What is the most effective way to run the campaigns?
should I do them on all difficulties or what difficulty should I pick that is doable? Should I do them with many factions?
What kinda arts will I need? what will it cost me?

Like i have no clue about any of this, some kinda guide or information would be great!
To save time, just go for the highest difficulty and try to get 100% results. You can wear event reward items to pump up stats a bit more so that it can be easier, up to you to decide which sets to use and how much you are willing to pay. Example, many people use hatred demons blade because it gives a lot of stats. Some also suggest using a few dungeon arts.

For the campaigns, I did every campaign for each faction as I drank potion of skill, so I don't want to waste it. If you are not planning on drinking potion of skill and have already built full castles for many different factions, you can skip the second campaign (Amnitis Mysteries) because it is super long and annoying to play through.

Also, to help with planning, you can find combat examples here: https://daily.heroeswm.ru/gi

Just select the campaign that you are playing, filter by level and faction and look at the enemy settlement and troop count. The troop count might be slightly different from balancing but it is not that important. You can also see the player's stats, recruiting, talents and tactics and follow accordingly
As Galthran has mentioned, playing campaign on highest difficulty saves time and is most effective way. However, highest difficulty is not available if you have not played a campaign before. You need to play with one faction on easy/moderate difficult to unlock highest difficulty on all factions.

So chose a faction, play all 5 campaign in easy difficult during your free time. This way, highest difficulty when you need them.

Whenever events are over, some people sell arts at cheaper rates at lower durability. If you got capital, horde few arts (for like 200-300 fights) and keep them ready.

If you don't have faction buildings, play during day of recruitment with portion of skill, event arts at highest difficulty.

If you have faction buildings, play during AG bonus days.
If above is not clear, take your time and read these:


Corey explains it perfect here.

Also the help section got updated with info:


If you want to know more, dont be afraid to ask here or join our .com discord channel ;-).

To add to what people have advised above, use the link above to help yourself understand 1) how much stats and what talent is required of your character to clear certain stages and to also 2) preview the stage and watch how people clear the stages.

Unless you are incredibly sure of your talent as a player to clear the stages with lower than the stats done in these battles, please just use event arts and drink a potion of skill. The battles are easy when you have sufficient stats and have potion of skill active.

You get back a lot of your money playing these battles. " Hatred demons blade", "Great shaman`s tambourine", "heavy worldwalker helmet", "jackal warrior shield" are examples of past event items that generally provide very good cost per battle for their given stats. Remember to look at backpacks, you can use those in AG as well.

If money matters to you a lot then do your own research on what items for which particular slot gives the best stats/cost/battle ratio. This will only take less than 10mins of clicking per item slot to figure out if you use this script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/419410-lwm-market-utility. This means looking at every item on the market, noting down ones that give considerable stats, noting down their cost, and deciding on which ones fit your budget/needs the most. Rent from clan depo only if you prioritize convenience over saving money.

Just to give you and extremely rough "what will it cost you": You get ~460 points from ONE faction/sub-faction, assuming you do them with ~95% efficiency if you do all campaigns except amenities. This equates to 72 battles if you do not lose any battles. At about 1.5k-2.5k cpb, you will spend 108k - 180k++ (++ because you will inevitably lose battles) for ~460 points. You get a lot of that money back in resources and licenses. After about 4 factions/sub-factions, you will have enough points for AG1, after 8, you will be AG2. So in total for AG2, you will be spending 8*72*(1.5k-2.5k)=864k to 1440k++ MINUS resources/ licenses gained.

It might look like an insane amount of money, and it is but you will be doing it over the course of weeks or even months. I see that you have a relatively low MG level for your level so that will definitely help cover the costs of your venture with AG.
Intrsting read guys thanks, think I 'll wait a lil bit till i get some more cash build up.
Good tips, thanks all

Post 5 is particularly helpful, thanks Ridich. I downloaded the script and picked up some of those arts you mentioned at great cost.

If you know of any more similar low cost great stats arts (for level 15) that would be perfect. For other slots too

So in total for AG2, you will be spending 8*72*(1.5k-2.5k)=864k to 1440k++ MINUS resources/ licenses gained.

This cost is also far more reasonable than I assumed, for some reason in my head it was approx 3m
If anybody else knows other great campaign arts your help is appreciated
I used light adventure armours for their small repair cost + kopesh and just any low/medium event arts I could get my hands on. The armours helped a lot (good bonus) and repair cost is kinda ok.

If anyone is going for AG 3, let people know and you might get a lot of low items (event rewards) for free from people. Just use them and discard.
What is the most effective way to run the campaigns?
Wait for a new one and run it on the first day, non stop, no sleep :D
my take on the AG thingie is complete every stage with every faction to get max license and loot, plus ofc all the LG stacks-without losing fun in the game!
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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