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AuthorUpdate about Anniversary from Maxim (adm) - bonuses
Bonuses can be obtained on the character page.

+ Discounts on buildings in the castle and the Artifact Rental Shop without extra charges until March 8 inclusive.
-15% on buildings?
Yes -15%. + buns + set of arts for 30 battles.
Damn nice! Appreciate the work!
Very cool! Love me some buns, this way I don't have to grind while at work..

Will there be any more bonus or events though? In the original post for the Hunting seasons, it says that there are more updates, hopefully this will not be the last
I really appreciate the admins trying to listen to players' requests even during these hard times. Hope we'll be back to normal, soon. In game, but more importantly in real life...
Was waiting for anniversary since months.. Then was let down with news.

Admins going out of way to keep us occupied is kinda cool
Buns cool. Atleast dont have to get unnecesarry fsp. To bad auto is also tied within
Love the buns! Auto-ing boring guilds like HG. Might as well auto MG now..
For Neon, yes! Its a nice replacement of anniversairy! Some nice thinking outside the box ;-).
these buns are so cool.. :)
Very cool! Love me some buns, this way I don't have to grind while at work..

Definitely, the freedom to do it when it suits you is so much better than no lifing for 72 hours lol.
Buns look super pointless to me right now.
I don't have MG/HG that I can auto or do for good ratio. TG I could do it now, but it would be no different than waiting for Lv18 and using the TG potion then.

I'm just going to hold on to them in case there's a grind fest of an event that comes next. Then the auto for 6 hours ability will come handy.
The buns are an excellent addition. Instead of grinding all week, we all have a month's time to use it efficiently. Kudos to the admins!
for ProZyk:
It's valid only till April 1 i think
I like it too. It's easier to take advantage of 7x6h period than 3x24h. At least we can manage our time.

They can make it permanent. Two buns per month! Wouldn't that be great!
Really like the little touch admins did with these buns.
Feels appreciated.

Only thing i can complain about is that my inventory is clunged up with a lot new items, now i need to use them C:
:D huge thx admi
Has anyone checked if Buns stack with the TG potion?
Nazra was playing TG with potion+buns
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