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AuthorLimit on how much AP people can join your GB with
We all know that every GB that goes up supposed to be in min ap gets sniped by someone in full ench in the last minute. Why isn't there a way to stop this?
This has been suggested since the dawn of time. It's even number 2 in the 'ideas suggested multiple times' thread on sticky from 2013.

It won't ever be implemented

Admins want people to use artifacts, they want people to join commanders guild. They don't care about group battles.

Full AP (no enchants) is also the most balanced battle type because the balance adjustments are based on full AP tournaments. Min AP fights are unbalanced and unfair.
number 2 in the 'ideas suggested multiple times' thread on sticky from 2013.
closed by Meshy (2021-09-28 15:43:41)
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM