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AuthorRogue Raids
Here we go lads.
Wow, I like the frequency of these events. Glad I came back to the game.
Any idea if we getting any artifacts afterwards?
The attack together thing is confusing..its all in russian.
Dont understand the event, but I helped someone and got some gold.
Event needs translation. Creatures effects??

I wasted all my money on TengGu and had to sell. There’s a lot of bulk on enemy team so gnolls are best. Gnolls work for ur ally too
for Jassi:
Yes, the durability will depend on max levels cleared.

for Mammary:
Seems like they didn't translate that :sob:
Also an important notice, when you sell there is a 5% commission fee so you lose out on silver! for kchong
Someone explain what the three army setups I see when I click 'attack together' are. Are they three optional teammates?

And what do the buttons say? All I recognize is the 50%
Is there a max number of combats? I cant seem to win stage 3 so Im thinking about repeating the earlier levels for more silver
Someone know where I can find the table of troops' cost? Or is not uploaded yet
for Ryric:
As I understand from google translate They are optional because that 50% is the share if they participate
Price stats
So, the base reward is the same, but we get the additional .5 MG point if we solo it?
Gnolls and Bolas throwers are from same pack.
Are the abilities translated anywhere?
why i did't get all rewards? https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1088376355&show_for_all=L2ab5f7a75e
Rewards are shared 50% with teammate if you choose to seek help.
any idea wht type of troop should we hire??
Okay, this is confusing.
The main fight to progress to the next level is "attack together" option. The gold reward is split. We can choose either AI or other player.
The three fights below it are just for additional silver.
Is this correct?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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