Author | shubhamgoyal has reached FSL Necro 13th! |
Gratz Mate!
Now 544 skele bowmen!!! |
Thank you for helping and contributing to the survival of undeads for another generation!
I would congratulate you too but it would be disingenuous. Dying seems to be a lot of pain and investment with no returns. I still do not understand why we congratulate the undeads unless it is a way of helping cope with the impending emotional burden of life.
I hope the skele bomen and you remain in good health, they zombify regularly and often, do not cry too much and does well to not be as big of a burden.
I re-read my post and it can be perceived that I do not wish you the best. I do. But I am not convinced advancing necromantic dying is a cause for celebration. It is such a big commitment. Well, living too. But that is for another time. |
Ah you noticed, thank you Father PenTus! I do love my skelly bowmen.
Thank you for helping and contributing to the survival of undeads for another generation!
Yes, cheers to the undead! |
Time to build new castle! |
Pharao is asking to be bild now :D |
I understand the emotions and I appreciate what my parents did for me. They made many sacrifices I would not. My father sacrificed his evenings for a decade to make sure i ultimately reach FSL 13 and my mother gave up on her career, choosing to take care of her children.
I also understand the desire to get a ton of skeleton bowmen is what helps necromancers thrive. In most factions, if not all, at least one of the parents also has to protect the tier 1 troops. The bond has to be strong and perhaps this is why we love our tier 1 troops so much. If there were no enemies, perhaps this would have been different.
As we have leveled up, we have attempted to rationalise our actions. We assume have become more productive. We have attempted to move away from the desires of the lizard brain and found meaning in other activities like satisfying scientific curiosity or building things in the castle or social antinatalism as well. For our civilisation to continue, we no longer need everyone to sacrifice their time. For me, the meaning in getting FSL 13 is greater than building a company or hating on people celebrating birth of children - potentially more lives impacted and a possibly better world to leave the future generations when it is my time to go.
I hope the above communicates my perspective. To me, those who help our civilisation to continue by producing and taking care of off-spring are heroes. But if I am being honest, I see taking care of children a burden but people with necro FSL 13 are way more productive. It takes time, it takes resources. But I also appreciate that the dopamine released in the act makes up for it. After all, we get addicted to games for similar reasons. |
Congrats shub
Get another castle now. |
Dying seems to be a lot of pain and investment with no returns
for Warlock naviron:
There is no greater investment return in this world! You must be out of your mind, or completely oblivious!...
for shubhamgoyal:
Congratulations! There is no greater achievement (and this game doesn't even count!) |
I agree. This thread was not started to talk about me. I would urge you to read #24 again, I wished shub the best on getting necro FSL 13 and expressed my gratitude. Getting FSL 13 is not my goal, but it does not mean I cannot appreciate it, which is what I did.
I refer to #25, #27, #28, #34 and #37. These posts referred to my post. In some cases, there were questions like what other players thought of my opinions, disagreements with my inferences, implying I would be horrible to date, etc.. Post #35 was a reply to #34. Post #36 was an addendum to #35. Post #38 was a reply to #37 where VV replied I could neither be a good player or successful battler.
Again, I agree with the sentiment of your post. Different people have different perspectives. I hope that when you read #24 again, you would agree with me that I was wishing shubham the best. I am neither FSL 13 and nor do I have the commitment. Grinding FSP seems like a lot of work and I wonder why people do this willingly. It is a different opinion but it is not invalid.
However, I am beginning to see that you all do not appreciate my perspective. I understand that. That is completely fine. But what does upset me is that some of you are implying inadequacies or blaming me for hijacking the thread without reading through my posts and attempting to understand my perspective. And that can also not be blamed completely on the reader, I have failed in conveying my views.
I can be blamed for hijacking the thread because I did reply in #35. #34 seemed to be a genuine question and I was glad to give my perspective. I would not reply to this thread any more because this is giving me anxiety.
Finally, please do consider the impact of words we write in forums. When we disagree with someone by calling them incapable of doing either job well, we are contributing to shutting voices down. Every time we attempt to not understand but rather blame people, we are moving the discussion from the realm of ideas to the realm of accusing people.
I returned to this game after many months. I was enjoying it. But this has been very unpleasant. I can understand that 1 person does not make a difference. And it is possible that I fail to see that I am being completely delusional. But please do not be irresponsible in blaming people for the ideas they have if the ideas are different. You might be contributing to cyber bullying. |
for shubhamgoyal:
Congratulations! |
Congratz Shuby, cool achievement :) |
Congrats! |
What does strike me as disingenuous is how others congratulate the necromancer. To me, am I being honest if I tell Shubamgoyal I wish the best for him and I am happy he has to take on another big commitment that he cannot get out of without the negative ramifications? No, I am not being honest. I am happy that he has a reached FSL 13 because of what it means for the Necromancer legion, not for him. And this is largely because I find raising FSL burdensome and a waste of time .
But there is another side to this. If someone finds raising FSL pleasurable, they are actually being honest when they congratulate Shubamgoyal.
And I do not subscribe to Overpowered Necromancy. My views are different.. I should create a new thread if I want to discuss what my views on Necromancer faction are.
My first instinct was also that the faction is toxic. But I was a part of it and it does not need to be. I have been guilty of raising dead and using skellie bowmen in the past too.
But to help you better understand my position, I will summarise that I am not negative about Necromancer faction at all. I thank all Necromancers for the sacrifices they make. And I congratulate them on raising more skellies and using corpses unwarrantedly if they wanted them. And this goes for Shubgamgoyal too. |
Lol what a thread xD |
for Igles:
In most factions, if not all, at least one of the parents also has to protect the tier 1 troops. The bond has to be strong and perhaps this is why we love our tier 1 troops so much.
About half of tier 1 troops are trash or may only work in special circumstances...
Only skeletons are worth dedication and passion! |
Gratz Shub! :) |
for Father PenTus:
About half of tier 1 troops are trash or may only work in special circumstances...
Only skeletons are worth dedication and passion!
i am pretty sure that there are around 4000 hunter elf mains and that are standing outside your door right now. Lock it.
and as you can understand i just lazily edited an existing paragraph and posted it here so even reading it or god forbid actually analyzing those words would be a royal waste of time, my intention is the same as the original author which is to show "gratitude" and "congratulate" |
Enjoy the dead! |
for King_Luigi:
*undeads |
I was just going to say congrats, but that seems a little concise for this thread so......
My eternal congratulations for the development of your necromatic skill. The esteem you engender in your fellow warriors has no bounds, spreading forth in reputation to the realm of the Gods where they quake in fear and trepidation for the inevitable time in which you join them. Fables will be written about these deeds that will be recorded in the annals of history alongside the great legends of our time.
Hang on a second, I barely know you and got a bit carried away
Well done should do it.
Well Done! |