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AuthorFacility Shares
One of the main tragedies of a genius may be the fact that his discoveries and views are not accepted during his lifetime. Any society in a sense is committed to long-established traditions, because they are simple and understandable. And everything new - scares with its uncertainty. Fear of eorganization and discovery is just a defense reflex, but it will inevitably lead to decline and degradation. Only the governor's wisdom and their team's knowledge are able to withstand the destructive power of prejudices. That’s why the economic councilor Arabat IV the Flamesoul received from Her Majesty a full carte blanche for any reforms in his area of responsibility. And the long months spent in his stuffy office running detailed calculations of all the possible benefits and risks, finally gave their first long-awaited results – the reform project to undergo phased partial privatisation of Empire’s production facilities. Of course, the first feedback of those present during the councilor's report on the expected benefits of the work was bewilderment. The second feedback was skeptical smirks. And finally, the third feedback was a sense of anxiety and fear after the Her Majesty the Empire's approving handshake. Only time will tell if it will ever turn into words of admiration. Well, a new age of economic development is starting now with the blessing of Her Majesty, the Empire.

Dear Lords and Ladies, the Empire announces the start of economic reform. The first stage includes the following changes:
1)20,000 shares of two hundred production facilities were distributed free of charge among the 19,589 most active Lords and Ladies of the Empire from the 5th combat level;
2)The Lord’s activity was determined by the quantity of battles held by him during the period from June 1, 2020 to July 10, 2020 inclusive;
3)Each active Lord or Lady who participated in at least 60 battles in the specified period was presented from one to 4 shares, depending on their activity;
4)Facility shares with a larger profit and better location were issued to the Lords or Ladies with a large quantity of battles;
5)Each share owner will receive dividends weekly, the amount of which is calculated from the difference between the production cost and artifact sale (facility profit);
6)If the Lord or Lady has not played at least one battle within three months, all his/her shares will be automatically displayed for sale through an auction;

Future stages of economic reform will provide more opportunities for shareholders. For example, the possibility of selling and buying shares on the market, the ability to vote on changing the artifact price or on changing the facility profile will be introduced.

More profit!
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