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AuthorCommanders' Guild
What could be more inspiring than contemplating a noble battle? Only contemplation of a whole series of indescribably beautiful battles. Many of which are worthy to be immortalized in the chronicles of history, so that at any time one can touch the eternal and be inspired by something even more beautiful. And those who were lucky enough to see this greatness live, it is a sin not to let their inspiration come from something new and unusual.

Lords and Ladies! As of today, a small change is being made to the Commanders Guild's charter:

1) Hours of equal combat! Every day, the Guild and Faction skill Potion effects are automatically activated for all participants in CG during the application periods of 12:20-12:30 and 20:20-20:30.
2) Gold for the winners! Victorious Lords and Ladies will now be paid a reward in gold!
3) It's not so bad to lose now! From now on, more Commanders Guild points will be awarded for losses in guild combats.

More victories!
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM