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AuthorGUI Friendliness
Add info (static) about location of facility in the economics statistics page: https://www.lordswm.com/ecostat_details.php?id=129
(either a new column with location name, or in the name of the facility).

Another nice add (dynamic): duration of shortest path from current position, hyperlink on each facility's location: click to open map there and/or to travel directly there if mounted.
Add segmentation by Required level for Artifact shop: https://www.lordswm.com/shop.php

e.g., have links on top of page with level numbers (including show all), and when I click on it, show just arts with that Required level and +/- 2 levels. By default show arts at player's level +/-2 levels.

Rationale: there are lots of arts, need to scroll over all the time when I only care to see 2-3 arts max.
edit #2: not "+/- 2 levels" but just "-2 levels". Basically I don't care so much to see arts I can't use... (pretty much the same for much lower levels)

1st already exists at a script, shouldn't be difficult to do it.
definitely helpful
Add info (static) about location of facility in the economics statistics page: https://www.lordswm.com/ecostat_details.php?id=129
(either a new column with location name, or in the name of the facility).

Looks so much better, and takes so much less time searching where is closer now :)
Add info (static) about location of facility in the economics statistics page: https://www.lordswm.com/ecostat_details.php?id=129
(either a new column with location name, or in the name of the facility).

Looks so much better, and takes so much less time searching where is closer now :)

Totally agree!

I do not know if these changes were already in the pipeline because of the economic overhaul that was introduced, or because of our suggestion.

It makes me feel better to think its the later, so I will be thinking that :)

Thank you!
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