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AuthorDifferent icon for free auto combat
In combats with mirror equipped, it would be nice to see from when it becomes free to turn on the auto mode (i. e. the mirror will not lose durability).

Different look of auto combat icon woud be perfectly sufficient :)
I would suggest colouring the mirror one. :P
Same with the 10 auto day, my battles end up longer because i dont want to waste them
(Along with this, we could also maybe have an extra click on mirror to end the battle instantly, rather than having to watch the whole thing play out.)
(Along with this, we could also maybe have an extra click on mirror to end the battle instantly, rather than having to watch the whole thing play out.)

+10000 for that
Different look of auto combat icon woud be perfectly sufficient :)

start it as mirror icon, when free mode achieved, turn into auto icon.
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