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It is remarkable what deed the brave defenders of the Empire are capable of - challenging the most daunting of enemies and taking the fight to their lands. A sense of righteous anger and unrelenting justice led the Heroes' armies forward to the Survilurg legions, even when the hordes appeared endless. The retaking of the Kingdom Castle was executed in utter hopelessness - and when it seemed that Her Majesty's order was impossible to carry out, the enemy suddenly ... retreated? Fleeing in fear of the indomitable spirit of imperial armies, or orderly withdrawing after a practice run? Alas, these questions have remained unanswered, as well as the most important question that worried the leader of the dwarves. Why did the Fire Clan contact the Survilurgists? Was Admiral Rigg foolish in his old age in sending a warning? At other times,Tolgar would have joked at the dwarf’s last warning, but it was now clear that the warning was no laughing matter. The Clan of Fire would come for his head - and this time it was unlikely that everything would be solvable by diplomacy.

Lords and Ladies, the enemy, unable to withstand the onslaught of imperial troops, have retreated. Control over Kingdom Castle has been restored. The Empire thanks all those who responded to this call and contributed towards the overall victory. An Honour Trophy awaits everyone who has scored 400 points or more in battles against the castle invaders. The strength of the artifacts depends on the number of points scored.


Anyone who has managed to kill at least one general is awarded a special ring (the characteristics of the artifact have been improved), the strength of which depends on the number of generals slain. General`s signet-ring and the General`s ring are now included in the Leader set.

All Lords and Ladies who scored more than 400 points were awarded parts of the Imperial cloak from 1 to 20 pieces. The number of parts depends on the number of points scored.

All Lords and Ladies who won at least one victory can get a reward for participation, in gold! The reward depends on the combat level of the Hero, the number of victories, the number of killed generals (2,000 gold each) and the number of enchantments in the utilized artifacts. Gold is given on the campaign page.

After such a crushing defeat, the Survilurgists retreated and will not bother the Empire's lands for a whole week.

The best 16 clans will be generously awarded gold from the treasury of the Empire. Lists of the best Heroes and the best clans are forever recorded in the history of the Empire:

The best killers of the generals:

#104Paradox-x-x[22] 44
#8048Stealth[22] 44
#823Всеволод[21] 44
#823fatamorgana55[21] 44
#1597Orkan[17] 43
#1209-Aeria-[19] 42
#1209Лосось[18] 42
#7777Sad_Kint[13] 42
#7777Eridon[14] 42
#1209DENLADEN[12] 42
#1519__BloodRayne__[18] 42
#1519steelrus[19] 42
#1488Raskut[10] 42
#1488collobot[10] 42
#5349-Ларик-[17] 42
#1519Galay[15] 41
#17Хаарт Лорд[10] 41
#997Kril86[10] 41
#823Not a gift[18] 41
#823Ксальтотун[18] 41
#1209Angel99[17] 41
#1209bratishkinoff[19] 41
#928Мартелл[16] 41
#7490Carpe Diem[7] 40
#7490Collateral Damage[7] 40
#823TpyMaH[18] 40
#823Moon in Shadow[17] 40
#823Зелёная_ стрела[18] 40
блаженый[10] 40
#5063Blueline[7] 40
МастерРун[10] 40
#1519Super-Dragon[16] 40
#41OnlySmiles[22] 40
#41---red-wolf---[22] 40
#823Boltius[19] 40
#104Starshina214[21] 40
#104алоцветик[21] 40
#2304Algor[22] 40
#928ХиндигоХ[15] 40
#5152Qar[10] 40
#57Николас[19] 40
#2517Highdjet[19] 40
#1209Няшка-Коняшка[17] 39
#928Доп1а[19] 39
#2304Юлий-цезарь[12] 39
#823Flagen[19] 39
#823Art_K[19] 39
#928чумачедший[19] 39
#302DESP0D[17] 39
#2517-добрый_демон-[19] 39
#2304-ОГО-[12] 39
#2304Акелыч[11] 39
#7777Заира[19] 39
#17Mouse[18] 39
#1209z_j_cd[18] 39
#1209AGRESSOR[22] 39
#14Чернов_Саша[21] 39
#2517Nadya2229[20] 39
#2304Lord_Vinkaster[18] 39
#823AlexXx666[18] 39
#57ГРАД[22] 38
#2303куртук[12] 38
#1209Маньяччело[17] 38
VarMonst[6] 38
r-t1[7] 38
#7490SwiftBladez[12] 38
#928--LION4IK--[20] 38
#1512Cona[6] 38
#1519ден-герой[22] 38
#823Lokosios[20] 38
#928Миха[19] 38
#1209GRIZZLY777[19] 38
#17МиЛЛионерЪ[13] 38
#17Striker[22] 38
#17Вейтарн[18] 38
#2894scott1991[18] 38
#928Георг1975[19] 38
#928antiundisputed[19] 38
#928asariec[14] 38
#7777Andromasius[12] 38
#1209Бездарный перс[19] 38
#57Dens1062[22] 37
#1209DARK GUZUL[18] 37
#1209Franto[17] 37
#933-Корво Аттано-[11] 37
#2304King Slaves[10] 37
#933Wrestler Hope[12] 37
#302ТоММу[22] 37
#928Nerc[18] 37
#928Marlen[18] 37
#928mazaii[17] 37
#928Глашка[20] 37
#302wovich[19] 37
#302ABAZINKA[17] 37
#2517PurpleFox[15] 37
#933Вижу насквозь[10] 37
#1597_Hervind_[12] 37
#17Pacers[19] 37
#14Yurkis[21] 37
#928Мишкоатль[16] 37
#9284lame4[17] 37
#846pro_100_p[12] 37
#1209Сэр_Ивашка[19] 37
#928Alex_Good[18] 37
#928малышЬ_[16] 37
Best in points:

#104Paradox-x-x[22] 9,125
#8048Stealth[22] 9,125
#823Всеволод[21] 9,080
#823fatamorgana55[21] 9,080
#7777Sad_Kint[13] 9,055
#7777Eridon[14] 9,055
#1209DENLADEN[12] 8,995
#1519steelrus[19] 8,990
#1209Angel99[17] 8,970
#1209bratishkinoff[19] 8,970
#823Ксальтотун[18] 8,910
#17Хаарт Лорд[10] 8,900
#997Kril86[10] 8,900
#1519__BloodRayne__[18] 8,885
#1488Raskut[10] 8,855
#1488collobot[10] 8,855
#1597Orkan[17] 8,825
#104Starshina214[21] 8,825
#104алоцветик[21] 8,825
#1519Super-Dragon[16] 8,825
блаженый[10] 8,825
#823Not a gift[18] 8,815
#1209-Aeria-[19] 8,810
#1209Лосось[18] 8,810
#928Мартелл[16] 8,805
#823TpyMaH[18] 8,800
#5152Qar[10] 8,790
#823Moon in Shadow[17] 8,775
#41OnlySmiles[22] 8,765
#41---red-wolf---[22] 8,765
#57Николас[19] 8,745
#823AlexXx666[18] 8,740
#1209Няшка-Коняшка[17] 8,730
#2304Юлий-цезарь[12] 8,730
#928ХиндигоХ[15] 8,720
#7777Заира[19] 8,715
#2517Highdjet[19] 8,710
#5349-Ларик-[17] 8,705
МастерРун[10] 8,695
#5063Blueline[7] 8,695
#2304Algor[22] 8,690
#17Mouse[18] 8,680
#823Lokosios[20] 8,680
#928antiundisputed[19] 8,680
#823Зелёная_ стрела[18] 8,670
#2894scott1991[18] 8,655
#1519Galay[15] 8,650
#7490Collateral Damage[7] 8,650
#2304-ОГО-[12] 8,645
#823Boltius[19] 8,640
#1209z_j_cd[18] 8,640
#1209Бездарный перс[19] 8,630
#7490Carpe Diem[7] 8,615
#928Доп1а[19] 8,610
#1209GRIZZLY777[19] 8,595
#2304Lord_Vinkaster[18] 8,590
#823Flagen[19] 8,575
#2303куртук[12] 8,575
#1512Cona[6] 8,575
VarMonst[6] 8,575
#1209AGRESSOR[22] 8,570
#2517-добрый_демон-[19] 8,570
#17МиЛЛионерЪ[13] 8,540
#302DESP0D[17] 8,535
#928Георг1975[19] 8,535
#1209Franto[17] 8,535
#1209DARK GUZUL[18] 8,535
#17Вейтарн[18] 8,525
r-t1[7] 8,525
#928mazaii[17] 8,525
#2304King Slaves[10] 8,525
#2517Nadya2229[20] 8,520
#823Art_K[19] 8,520
#57PECTOPAH[19] 8,520
#104-sEpA-[17] 8,520
#928Marlen[18] 8,510
#1209Маньяччело[17] 8,505
#14Чернов_Саша[21] 8,495
#928Миха[19] 8,490
#928Nerc[18] 8,475
#2303The___Hitman[18] 8,475
#7777CTPAHUKFOREVER[19] 8,460
#476urlan[17] 8,460
#1519RA-V-EN[15] 8,460
#928чумачедший[19] 8,455
#928Alex_Good[18] 8,450
#2517PurpleFox[15] 8,450
#928малышЬ_[16] 8,450
#2894Мизаши[17] 8,450
#1209Сэр_Ивашка[19] 8,440
#1519ден-герой[22] 8,435
#57BSA810[22] 8,435
#17Striker[22] 8,430
#7777Andromasius[12] 8,430
#928Мишкоатль[16] 8,430
#276robinxobb[19] 8,425
#2301yrci[21] 8,425
#928--LION4IK--[20] 8,420
#57ГРАД[22] 8,415
#928asariec[14] 8,415
#928#928Железный Легион872,020
#41#41Долина Магов697,620
#88#88Гильдия Героев636,810
#1209#1209Any Key565,720
#18#18†Орден Миротворцев†557,540
#302#302«Орден Единых»525,080
#57#57Тридевятое королевство525,050
#823#823Ginger Tail523,690
#2517#2517The Dedicated Fighters447,790
#997#997Бастион Доблести418,300
#2304#2304IV legion of Elfius390,580
#2303#2303III legion of Elfius366,920
#1512#1512† Nekropolis †350,510
#846#846†Академия Миротворцев†344,460
#276#276Молот Ведьм340,530
#249#249Белая Русь269,800
#14#14Братство Стали241,150
#7490#7490European Foreign Legion239,980
#1597#1597Гвардия Солнца222,480
#5152#5152†Огненные рубежи†196,240
#2302#2302II legion of Elfius158,760
#7705#7705† Angels & Demons ?146,600
#6396#6396Благородные Воины140,420
#1271#1271Братство Героев137,450
#407#407Невры - Изначальные135,820
#1535#1535Russian Forces130,680
#3975#3975Степное Братство124,660
#4260#4260Легион Ордена Тамплиеров122,930
#782#782Темные рыцари120,220
#1488#1488Тёмная лига Некромантов115,960
#2301#2301I legion of Elfius110,220
#1317#1317Запорожская Сечь103,020
#8212#8212Воины Ктулху88,340
#2735#2735Ангелы смерти62,740
#644#644Гвардия Grail Keepers59,440
#8026#8026< Три Богатыря >56,180
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