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AuthorTournament Leaders
Check tourny tab. Something new.
Player banned by moderator Lexa until 2019-07-02 19:26:47 // the details here, https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2722004&page=4#47760075
No Russian announcement. Could be to do with leaders guild
The translation of the small bit of info is

Tournament Leaders-1 // 07-02-19 10:00
Rounds: 8; Army: from 3x5,000 to 3x40,000; Prize pool: 1,200,000 for 256 heroes

Given those numbers I would assume those relate to leaders guild.

Group battle with 3 vs 3?
It seems like a Leaders guild tournament. You make 3 armies of 5000-40000 leadership, taking at least one unit for one army will disable the entire unit for the other armies (for example taking 10 leprechauns made them unavailable for other armies). You can then create troops settlement for all armies. And chose their order in which they fight. Tomorrow 10AM server time it will start and I assume armies will fight in AI. Prize pool is 1200000 for top 256 players.
Clearly does.

So far, you can create three troop settlements.
That is, you choose troops (40,000 leadership pool), then you settle them. No fight.
You cannot have have any common troops in any of those settlements.
Your troops are chosen from your own leadership pool.

After that, I don't know what.
I don't see any fight option.
The fight does not start till tomorrow. Given that people cannot be online for sure at those times, perhaps it is auto, or against AI?
it says its gonna start 07-02, 10 AM. So I assume once that time comes the battles will happen in AI
I'm interesting in seeing what happens tomorrow at 10 :D
Though I'd be happier if there was some announcement before that.

It's 256 players. That's 2^8.
So I'm presuming it will proceed like a Quick tournament. Knockout style.
Since we have 3 armies, it might be best of 3 to decide winner between two players.
Hope you dont have to pay a resurrection fee for this
Seen now it says troops dont die. Would be excited right now if i had access to a big tanky stack like ogres that i could recruit 45k leadership and some support
Interesting times
You cannot have have any common troops in any of those settlements.

I could?
Sorry, I meant that you cannot use same troop in multiple settlements.
Troops in those settlements cannot be shared or "common"
Of course sorry i got confused with rarity! :)
Fact that its asking to settle troop from now itself, means that it will be automated maybe.. against other player's army, or some random armies dont know. Will see tomorrow, seems interesting :)
what happens tomorrow at 10 :D
my guess is server crash :P
Group battle with 3 vs 3?
Raid type with 3 waves maybe? With the top army as the first wave?
Seems like a QT to me, and can become a permanent thing indeed.
Just maybe once a day with entrance fees and troops being lost, it might be exempted for now as a trial run.
Prize is only gold? Nothing else?
For every victorious battle, Heroes will be awarded with gold, and each round will increase the reward. In every battle there is a chance to get a part of a random Imperial artifact.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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