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Author[2019.06.28] Day of Duels
Astrologers proclaim the Day of Duels! Only today:

  • Artifacts do not wear out in your first three duels, including those fought in the Commanders' Guild.
  • It's basically the same as Day of the Commander, this daily stuff keeps getting cheapened out.
    for Lawton:
    lol, this is not a new creation. We have had day of duels from long before and so maybe what's cheapening is your memory.
    This day is my second favorite (only after day of recruiter).
    It's way better than a day of Commander.
    This day gives you something that money cannot buy, the ability to find duels the whole day.

    On other days, the duel pool is restricted at my level to some 4-5 players I keep facing repeatedly.
    This day let's me face other people with different builds, which I enjoy.
    best day.:)
    Very good, finally can find some duel contenders in CGs..
    closed by Meshy (2019-06-29 00:00:44)
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