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AuthorWatchers guild megathread
I noticed that sometimes, if your errands are the same as before (for example, same faction outlaw), they are often positioned the same way as last time, just diffirent numbers. Thats why I decided to collect screenshots of WG errands (I do think they are unique per faction and level tho). Knowing how the enemy is positioned may help you win, considering you can position accordingly (aim your 8 speed units well). Anyone else wants to do this and share the pictures? I am collecting CL 17 Charmer Elf errands right now.
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "General game forum".
I tried this, doesn't work. Saw the creatures positioned at top, when I positioned for that the next time I saw same faction suddenly they were all positioned at bottom. So I stopped noting and just play it.
How the difficulty is determined anyway ?
I know that the more gold an errand offers the more difficult it is and it enemy strength vary with faction and class, is there any other factors involved ?
Why would you put in so so much effort into WG.
I know that the more gold an errand offers the more difficult it is

I don't know about that. The gold amount seems random to me, from a range based on my CL. For example, I'm looking at three errands right now, and the one with the least amount seems the hardest.
I do not think there is an inherent difficulty factored in anywhere. The battles are taken from a pool of battles that have been won by a player. This is done automatically and I can see no way of them being able to assign a difficulty to these collected battles to then be able to vary the difficulty we receive. As such it is just luck of the draw each time.
As to the original proposition, while a five and noble enterprise (I thought similarly about ag), in the end from a practical point of view I would never take the time to look back at then when I needed, preferring rather to just get in with the battle. If I lose (which is not that often at wg) I can take an elixir of restoration and do it again in less time than if I had looked it up and guessed.
I know that the more gold an errand offers the more difficult it is

Not true.
for Aurelija:
different factions are good at some kinds of battles, i am using unholy nec to play Sylvan Thicket and Dwarven Grotto, classical elf to play all kinds of hunting battle, much easier to get 3 star
wg8 +1 initiative , not 1%

its a typo. Its +1 procent. +1 ini would be broken lol
Wow, op increase then, however will take approx 2 years to get there from wg7, and not many are even close or reached that one yet.
Its obviously 1%, admins don't want to break the game
It is a typo. It's correct on .ru page.
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