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AuthorConfirmation on defend
Have confirmation for every other action from mobile, but not to defend/wait. Amount of times i accidentally click defend instead of spell book is maddening

It will delay the battle too much , u click defend because u must be spamming the button :b
-1 as well.. it will be annoying.
I haven't played on mobile but why not? This could be a thing to customize from personal settings.

+1 from me.
Yes, it would be totally fine if it was an optional thing.
Or could always just remove the pointless option for a hero to defend
Or could always just remove the pointless option for a hero to defend
Or could always just remove the pointless option for a hero to defend

I guess you don't play ST
I frequently play on a mobile and I think rarely has this been an issue, though agree it is annoying, though would solve it through location of buttons etc, rather than a dynamic that would slow the game.

Similarly I find on a phone it difficult to find out information about the enemy hero(usually something like whether it is a might or mage DE) without risking clicking the start battle option. This however I can bypass by making sure one of my troops is not settled so if I misclick nothing problematic occurs.

As such therefore I think they should review the button locations relative to other information to ensure clarity of vision as well as limit the risk of incorrect button pushing.
Or could always just remove the pointless option for a hero to defend

I use the defend button when doing hunt assists after I've killed all my enemy and don't want to steal partner fsp
I use the defend button when doing hunt assists after I've killed all my enemy and don't want to steal partner fsp
Itt's pointless in the sense that it can be replaced with two consecutive "waits".
I would definitely prefer to defend over 2 waits as it is more efficient and means less time I'm holding up the combat.
A confirmation on wait would also mean you can check where your troop will turn out, just like how you can hover over the wait on pc which you cant do on mobile. Of course it will increase combat time slightly, but so does confirmation on moving but of course we could remove that too if youd like ;)
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