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AuthorUpdate dreadlord unit model
Dunno if its just me, but right now it is hard to distinguish vampire lord from a dreadlord from the first look (you either have to give it a better look or hover mouse over them to see their name/speed), and that should not be a case with any units.
It's just you mate , I can easily tell differenc even playing on phone.
It's just you mate , I can easily tell differenc even playing on phone.
It's just you mate , I can easily tell differenc even playing on phone.
+1 I also find it slighly inconvenient. The same goes for black/unholy knights.
Rather, you should take a good look at them once which will help you in the future.

Dreadlord model has purple and blood red hues which are absent on the others vampires.

Vampire counts here-

Also possible to differentiate based on boots but it might be harder on phone.
>It's just you mate , I can easily tell differenc even playing on phone.

One is purpleish + red and the other is bluegreyish
fairly easy for me

The same goes for black/unholy knights.

unholy knights have the red jeweled chain on the back of horse, basic version doesnt. thats how i tell the difference and that makes it easier for me
i know this might be a bit inconvenient to do but i always differentiate them by their speed...
like when u select them as a target for attack their range will come out and they have different ranges...
Also if you click on them, it tells you their name.
Also if you click on them, it tells you their name.
I think the point is to be able to differentiate without having to click

The same goes for black/unholy knights.
+ That's a real problem for me. I have to always do a click, since one has 8 speed ( can reach me) and the other doesn't.
unholy knights have the red jeweled chain on the back of horse, basic version doesnt. thats how i tell the difference and that makes it easier for me
Thanks. I'll be on the lookout for this.
I think the point is to be able to differentiate without having to click

I was addressing Cyber's point where hes already clicking on the troop.

A few subtleties between the black and unholy knight such as the horse is slightly more armoured and the sword is different.

One troop I always have to check personally is black / twilight dragons
One troop I always have to check personally is black / twilight dragons

This is a joke right?
The easiest way there is to cast a spell on them :P

But I agree with mesh (unfortunately) I also struggle with black and twilight
But I agree with mesh (unfortunately) I also struggle with black and twilight

Is this a joke? They are completely different..
And i could say the same about vampires and unholy knights. The point is just cause it's easy for you doesn't mean it is for others
They are all different to me. It's a matter of familiarity and about how much attention you give to things normally. Thats why i shared the troop links, i believe it will be easier for anyone to differentiate if they take a good look. Being color blinded the exception ofcourse.
And i could say the same about vampires and unholy knights. The point is just cause it's easy for you doesn't mean it is for others
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