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AuthorBattle Campaign Update
Valiant Lords and Ladies,

The Adventurers’ Guild has taken a hard look at the difficulty of its battle campaigns. The following changes have been implemented as a result:

1. All campaign battles are now 18% less difficult.
2. A new officer by the name of Glorius has been assigned to manage the balancing of campaign battles. Glorius will IGNORE any victories that are achieved with equipment whose total AP exceeds that of the best shop artifacts available for the player’s level.

Venture forth and vanquish all foes, and best of luck with those estate certificates!
Finally an update on lowering difficulty of AG, been waiting for so long

Glorius will IGNORE any victories that are achieved with equipment whose total AP exceeds that of the best shop artifacts available for the player’s level.

Can someone explain this
If someone uses high AP and walks through the campaign, difficulty won't increase.
Hell yeah!
If someone uses high AP and walks through the campaign, difficulty won't increase.

You mean we can't play HERO if we play HIGH AP in Combatant mode?
Then what's the exact number for AP that is supposed to be used?

Should we add and calculate by checking all artifacts from the shop?
But I thought we can anyways used just shop artifacts for the campaign right?
or can we use others too?
Probably a bit unfair to people who has already worked hard for AG2 , but news are great :P
for Gameaddict:

You are free to use as much AP as you like in any mode. It just means that the overall difficulty of the campaign will not increase if someone uses high AP.
Probably a bit unfair to people who has already worked hard for AG2 , but news are great :P

Or it means it's easier for them to work towards AG3 for when admins do release it
It just means that the overall difficulty of the campaign will not increase if someone uses high AP

Was there such system?
When someone completes a campaign easily with high AP then the overall difficulty will be increased for other players too?
I mean seriously?
Wohooo good news
Finally they did something about it.
I'm waiting for the update when they finally show how you can gain 100% efficiency.

As far as I know each battle is taken Differently and then total efficiency is calculated based on how much troops were left over in each battle as a percentage.

And hence the FINAL efficiency.

If they somehow develop a system where we can learn and understand the working of AG battles and gaining 100% efficiency, or else at least a chance to redo those battles without requiring to complete all, that would be some hell of a update.
As that would totally ease up AG
And i completed 3 campaigns in last 5 days with ridiculously expensive arts -_-
And i completed 3 campaigns in last 5 days with ridiculously expensive arts -_-

Would you rather do all the remaining ones with similarly expensive arts?
Tested some battles at hero difficulty CL17 dwarf with shop and seasonal artifacts (in 2 out of 3 I had some cheap backpack) and they all were fairly easy :)
for General Zod:
Lol, I can feel you. But I did 15 campaigns in the past months and the average AP of the arts I used was in the range of 100-110.

Anyway, glad that they make this adjustment, so for the future release of campaigns, you won't lose too much ground if you did not rush in the first couple of weeeks of release.

BTW, from my observation, the reduction of 18% difficulty in the hero levels won't help much if you think that you can use cheap arts. At lvl 16, you won't be able to compete with full sets of great POT arts. However dungeon sets will be much more competitive. With the #2 update, it basically means for hero levels of three campaigns, you won't see the difficulty increase in the future.
I don't believe these details (about the way battle campaigns were balanced previously) were ever announced officially. A lot of such information gets discussed and tossed around on the Russian forums, so many Russian-speaking players are exposed to it and the admins probably don't feel like it needs to be explained explicitly.

I think this announcement was a great chance to explain how the balancing used to work, and then explain how it's going to work from now on. Another good opportunity wasted.
If the difficulty increase is 0 is more than shop arts is worn, then if every player wore one event art and rest shop the difficulty would stay at base and everyone would be happy?
for merlin36:

In reality, for the current hard level difficulty (even after the reduction), you won't be able to do most of battle (>99% I would say :P) with just shop arts (or one rare+rest shop as you proposed). It could be different stories for other difficulties thou.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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