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AuthorHero specialization during battle
When in battle we see our heroes Standing.

I would like to suggest a specialization where if we have any Mount purchased then that mount should be shown in the battle,
Whether on the side of the hero or The hero sitting on it.

If you have a UCI then I don't think it will be possible for all to sit on the mounts. But wherever possible.

No benefits or anything through this suggestion.
Just a change to how the battle is played.
'+1' totally, WP.
Also, add a 'Toggle On/Off', or 'Show/Not Show' option, so the ones who want their hero to stand on their feet normally, do so (This way no one complains!).

In HoMM V I think all heroes sit on their horses/hell horses/elephants/skeletal mounts, IIRC.
In HoMM V I think all heroes sit on their horses/hell horses/elephants/skeletal mounts, IIRC.

That was more fun and the animations given for those attacks by hero
buy "poor man's UCI" if in need of a different look ;)

Nice idea

Could have diferent looks with diferent armor as well .
I think they have better things to work on right now like alt dwarf etc..

So -1 ^_^
I think they have better things to work on right now like alt dwarf etc..
Well okay... I agree with this a bit.
... Yet, if we look at suggestions in this part of Forum, in this way, then we would have to reject the 99% of them.
Of course there are 'Priorities', but suggesting is never bad, Imho.
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