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AuthorTemptresses Hypnosis and Dispersion
So in this battle;


my lorekeepers succesfully removed Hypnosis from the Genies, as I was expecting to happen. However in this battle;


The battlemagi Dispersion didn's seem to affect Hypnosis at all (not even reducing duration).

Is it something I am not aware of or is it a bug?

Battlemagi cast at advanced level, lorekeepers at expert level. There's a difference in their efficiency as spell casters, with lores being superior.
Battlemagi cast at advanced level, lorekeepers at expert level.

Are you sure about that? Both lorekeepers and battlemagi are upgraded tier-4 creatures. According to Help information, they should cast spells at the same level.

I think the difference here is the stack size. In the first case, there were 19 temptresses vs 5 lorekeepers. In the second case, it was 47 temptresses vs 9 battlemagi.
Yes, VV is right.
Lores cast expert dispersion, battlemagi advanced.

Infact, only lores cast expert dispersion on units, other units like ogre shaman, sprites cast on advanced as well.

I think the difference here is the stack size. In the first case, there were 19 temptresses vs 5 lorekeepers. In the second case, it was 47 temptresses vs 9 battlemagi.
Yes it does depends on size, but in case of lores, even 1 lore can disperse hypnosis because their base efficiency is maximum for dispersion. While even max battlemagi you could recruit, can not completely disperse in single go.
You're right. I checked the PC version of the game, and it does say that Battle Mage casts Cleansing at Advanced, while Archmage casts it at Expert. However, the difference between the two is 80% vs 100%. Yet it the second battle, it has no effect (0%). What gives?

I know that in the PC version, it's all or nothing (either you dispel or you don't), whereas here it's a duration reduction. So where's the reduction?
There is no reduction for that particular ability with battlemagi (maybe with other creatures that aren't lore too, I don't know, I have never seen anybody trying). Probably a balance intended by admins, though it makes BW life miserable against dark build.
Tiers doesnt matter when casting spells.
Anchos cast expert stoneskin.
High druids cast advanced stoneskin.
Tiers doesnt matter when casting spells.

True. Shadow mistress even have their unique delay, ie. 35% (beetween advanced and expert).
Yes it does depends on size, but in case of lores, even 1 lore can disperse hypnosis because their base efficiency is maximum for dispersion. While even max battlemagi you could recruit, can not completely disperse in single go.

Sorry but you are wrong. Dispersion follows unique rules as stated here -


As you can see, tier but not stack size is important. Whether you use a stack of 10 magi or 20, the effect of dispersion will be equal. The exceptions to the tier rules are included here for the most part. This list has not been updated for a while so its lacking certain alt units or improvements made to orc shaman casters.

for chakkal2001:
For battle magi, the efficiency is the same as magi. You can confirm this easily when you open the caster's book and find that their effect is same. Per unit magic punch damage is same too, that means they are equal as casters and inferior to lorekeepers who have higher per unit punch damage and dispersion effect shown.
Thanks a lot for replies, a lot of useful information I didn't know.

While we are at it, does the same situation happen for Blind and Letargize? Are they removed by Dispersion and if they are, is also different whether you do it with Lorekeepers or Battlemagi?
blind can be removed using dispersion. I have never used it with magi/battle magi so can't say. Ultimately it would depend on the blinding caster (hero or unicorn) vs dispersion caster.

But best is to use through shot if you can, it 100% works :) So does plaque shot from liches and paladins panacea. Self inflicted damage from hero (spikes, fireball, chain light) do not work however.
Self inflicted damage from hero (spikes, fireball, chain light) do not work however.

Wow really? This is another very useful piece of information that I was missing, very unintuitive too.

Are they removed by Dispersion and if they are, is also different whether you do it with Lorekeepers or Battlemagi?

lores will better dispel but battlemagi can do it too. In practice you will not really see a difference though, it almost completely removes it in both cases.

Wow really? This is another very useful piece of information that I was missing, very unintuitive too.

It used to remove it but then it made the ability useless as say any might DE would self-spike with its free KN.
Wow really? This is another very useful piece of information that I was missing, very unintuitive too.


my pleasure to help :)
So does plaque shot from liches and paladins panacea. Self inflicted damage from hero (spikes, fireball, chain light) do not work however.

Last question related to topic, how about damage done by troops spells (lorekeepers fireball, or shamans chain lightning). Does it 'wake' units from Blinding/Letargize?
If you cast it on your own sleeping troops, it won't wake them up.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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