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AuthorTraining grounds
We can have a training ground feature which will be available only for the clan members, in this ground the warriors can practice 1v1 and 2v2 battles, there will be 0 exp and 0 fsp given out at the end of the battle.

The purpose of this is to train the players before they go into war with other clans for facilities.

This will only better the coordination and fighting skills of each player and the clan can practice with different combinations before war.

Artefact durability - ideally they should loose durability, or maybe we can have them lasting forever in training grounds as there is no exp or fsp give out.
Quite a nice idea.. though for real practice you'd have to use sets and that'll be one expensive practice :D
Quite a nice idea.. though for real practice you'd have to use sets and that'll be one expensive practice :D

not if the dura didn't wear off. But then people would just do that and never care about real battles :p
These battles are for practice, they do not help in building the character, but the skills of the person playing it

So people will do the real battles anyways
Prefer to learn hard way , at least you got it after.
These battles are for practice, they do not help in building the character, but the skills of the person playing it

There are more ways to build a character, which are also possibly better.

The real motivation to play in war for most people i reckon is that it lets you do pvp with enchants which can be very interesting especially for those who never usually play with enchants. If practice with enchants were allowed, it would either be you'd have to use sets and that'll be one expensive practice or if the dura didn't wear off, then people would just do that and never care about real battles :p

Of course, this is just a speculation.
would either be you'd have to use sets and that'll be one expensive practice or if the dura didn't wear off, then people would just do that and never care about real battles :p

And with 0 exp on top of it, why would anyone do normal battles? :D
I don't think anyone really understood the essence of this thread.

The idea behind training grounds is - "Practice before clan war."

@VV: Do share the ways in which we can better the character, but the idea behind training grounds is to better PvP skills.

And if the dura doesn't wear off and people get 0 exp and fsp, you still think they won't do the actual war battles for saving the facility, gaining exp and fsp ?

@Calamity: Same point, i did not understand why would people skip the real battles, they are gaining nothing out of the training but coordination with teammates and some PvP skills.

P.S. Personally i would love to do PvP battles for practice with my teammates and get to test various formations and strategies and would also like to specatate them testing stuff out and that is possible in training battles.
Depends how badly you want it.. always have group battles. And EFL management can set up training wars with other clans. And as much as you'd love to train with your clan mates.. they aren't very experienced, you'd probably be better off doing real battles against more expeienced enemies.
Depends how badly you want it

I would loved that when i was lower lvl, more battles to do with out ruin my character with high exp or no guild point battles. And cost free, perfect!
Love the idea

The 0 exp and 0 fsp as well as importantly not removing workaholic would ensure that the character does not progress in any way but "skill" from this, so the player will have to play normal battles too.

There could be a cost incurred by the clan for setting up the training ground and/or subsequently for battles paid by players which isn't too exorbitant (500-1k gold per participant?) , per battle cost is split (in any ratio?) between clan and Empire.

The costs incurred at both clan and player level could make sure it isn't spammed and takes over the gaming mechanism altogether (coupled with the no gains of exp/fsp/relieving workaholic)
I think it is a good idea, especially with some modifications to make it not abused. Either those mentioned above, or just a cap as to how many you can do per day or both. Perhaps it could be that artifacts lose durability but the clan can choose to reimburse a % of the repair.

Certainly I think for a have involving lots of players perhaps into clans, there is not a lot of in game sorry for any of the now social aspects of the game
Darn, box on phone goes wrong if message too long, predictive text gone haywire.

For a social game, playing with friends is effectively penalised. CGS go into mixed pool which is imbalanced, or group battles have a terrible ratio. There needs to be a better option where the focus is PvP skills and chat
The 0 exp and 0 fsp as well as importantly not removing workaholic would ensure that the character does not progress in any way but "skill" from this, so the player will have to play normal battles too.

and why do people have to play normal battles? Don't forget that this is a game and people are in it for fun. If your idea of fun is gaining xp and fsp, i think you are a bit unique. The fun part of gaining xp is that you can level up and try new troops and talents but after a certain point maybe its not really that important. As for fsp, it is so you can stay strong and keep winning because who likes losing? or playing a weak character. Also fyi, I was never speaking about other battles (the ones you call normal battles i suppose are all kinds of battles we play now including wars), i was only comparing war vs practice wars.

To allow battles with 0 xp and 0 fsp overcomes all the drawbacks for a player of my level especially if its free of cost too. I would play a lot of practice battles in full enchanted sets, without giving a *** about no xp or fsp. Actually the conditions would be more encouraging than normal wars because they would allow free fun.
free fun.

The ultimate dream of a Gamer :D

I think there would definitely have to be come cost attached to this - either for the clan or for the player (I'd lean more towards clan BG and gold + xp & FSP ratio similar to standard defences for the player)

Also, if you're doing training PvP, for a war, from what I've seen, clans can do better with the overall clan war mechanic (interceptions for example). So maybe training war can consist of attacking your own facility (maximum loss can be something small like 5%) to give more well rounded training.
for Meshy:
I'm glad to see someone understands.
Enchant PvP is a very rigid system.

It is not possible to play to test or improve strategy. If defending you are risking losing the clan's facility, I can easily imagine anybody getting fired from the clan trying wathever he fancies (read: anything besides the build everybody use for that faction).

If attacking it's not completely impossible but first you must intercept the survilurgs and then you must fight, find somebody accepting to playtest with you since there are no duels, and a clan accepting to be the dummy (if you do it in actual clan war it falls into the same problem as defense). So you probably need to pay 4k for interception, plus 12k per player on average, that's 28k total (52k if you consider both clans) for one attempt (and you will want a couple tests to check that the build is viable against the most common factions).

So certainly a way to train would be welcome to be able to experiment without crippling a whole clan because of one battle.
For a social game, playing with friends is effectively penalised. CGS go into mixed pool which is imbalanced, or group battles have a terrible ratio. There needs to be a better option where the focus is PvP skills and chat

Yes, always have felt this. Not only is mixed CG unbalanced, but playing preset games has a dynamic balancing of sorts.. I think the battles get progressively harder the more wins you manage to obtain with a fixed partner. That's why i find paired tournaments really fun. No level mismatch, no dynamic balancing bs. Ideally CG is supposed to be like that, or at least give a choice like it used to before the CG changes.

Sorry for taking the thread in another direction but as someone who likes to play more than an offline version of game -aka guild farming- i couldn't not remark on Miles point.
So certainly a way to train would be welcome to be able to experiment without crippling a whole clan because of one battle.

If just training is required, players can do it 2v2 group battles (yeah it will degrade your exp-fsp ratio but you get to practise without risking the clan's facilities)
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