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AuthorWhere is normal barbarian?
Every barbarian character i see its usualy fury barbarion and sometimes shadow one... where is normal one?
Classic barb isn't really that great relative to fury and shadow for most battle types
Because its weak, nobody plays it. I haven't seen a classic barb in action since a very long time.

Personally i like fury best, but shadow maybe stronger in some matchups against real people.
Classic barb may get used for hunts and that's about it these days
classic barbarian nowadays has nothing to offer when compared to fury: it's racial is comparable to the increase troops get with tribal spirit, and the only advantage it had before was the "transport" ability that was exclusive to rocks.

But since now all birds can do it, there is nothing left to justify the use of classic (who is the only class that cannot use any sort of magic, btw)
What magic can fury use? Ogre magi have chastise after all
What magic can fury use? Ogre magi have chastise after all

I think he got mixed up and thought the trophy hunters were classic and magi were fury.
The biggest problem for classic barb is that hobgoblins and wolf raiders are undeniably worse than goblin archers and boar riders respectively in most cases.
But triple strike with wolfs does far more dmg than a boar
But triple strike with wolfs does far more dmg than a boar

Except the problem there is

A) There is no spirit bonus for wolves
B) Wolves are quite fragile so often your 2nd and 3rd hit don't really mean much
C) Wolves have lower speed

What magic can fury use? Ogre magi have chastise after all

sorry was referring to Barb Vs other factions, as in classic having no magic schools that could have reequilibrated the balance Vs the other barb classes.

But it is true there is that troop's chastise. Well, not really enough, imho.
Well I guess then... It's time to buff normal barbarian!
When they changed the unique ability to troop readiness, it was doomed. The class requires offensive play most of the times because of the lack of natural defense on troops and lack of magic. Orc chiefs for having good initiative (same as sharps) are the only reason to play classic barb but their damage output is a lot inferior before getting bonus from bloodlust and chastise.
Fury Barb is just way way better than Classic Barb, in every single way you look it at.

Agree, they should either lower FB, or Buff Classic, to give Barbs the possibility of "Choosing", since there is no real Choice right now between the 2.
for Ipsen:
Can you seriously say that lowering FB is a good idea to make people play classic barb? It would be if fury barb was better than other factions. Well it would be a great fix to kill the barbarian faction completely, and make me play dwarf/elf/dark elf.
Can you seriously say that lowering FB is a good idea to make people play classic barb?
No, actually when I was writing it, I was feeling "Insecure" about it.

Lets leave it in "Buff Classic/Make Classic Playable/Give Barbs more choices overall".
Where is normal barbarian?
Here I am
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