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Author[2018.08.03] Day of the Tracker
Astrologers proclaim the Day of the Tracker! Only today:

  • You can discover twice as many hunt targets as usual.
  • Hunted creatures guard +10% more gold than usual.
  • Hunted creatures might guard diamonds.
  • Hmmm, diamonds ...
    Maybe the chance is 3% or so (I randomly made that chance up), but still.
    i had a diamond hunt, but it's 0.1.

    Well asked for help, let's see if we get 0.05 each XD
    Personally I would rather see option for auto complete - like in a day of the MG.
    Those few diamonds that I might get, I can buy..
    yep, it splits among the players. :D
    3# How do you know you get diamond beforehand?
    It tells you?
    Yea. You get multiple options for hunting and instead of gold it says 0.1 diamond
    Interesting that the diamonds replace the gold, not even really worth it for a lot of hunts
    not even really worth it for a lot of hunts

    You sure are enjoying whining recently aren't ya? ;)

    If someone does 100 hunts today and gets 10 diamonds, that a free ABC :D
    also people who are talking like 0.1 diamond is nothing to be happy about must regularly play hunts rewarding 500 gold. Y'all can't deny its at least worth that.
    I heard a rumour it goes up by 0.1 every time you encounter that troop again (assuming you beat it first time)
    Not had a chance to check though.
    would be kinda hard to check considering only 1 of 4 are 0.1 diamond hunts for me so far.
    By that i meant 1 of 4 options that do show up together, not 4 separate hunt searches =)
    I think it's dependent on difficulty though, not too sure. Some people are reporting 0.2 diamond hunt
    Would be a good incentive if thats true. Who are these people? It is no secret i hope.
    This is kinda pointless when you cant hunt with min ap anymore :/
    Umm the diamond reward seems quite unimpressive. First of all, a 0.1 diamond hunt is worth a 455 gold hunt on a regular day if you take into account that 10% bonus. And 0.2 is equivalent to 909 gold. I get gold reward like this in hunts very often so it's not useful unless you plan on buying diamonds with gold, in which case 1 dmnd = 15000 gold.
    This is kind of not that great. I normally get that much gold from a hunt. its kind of nice being able to choose from 4 different hunts but its not like i can get hunts more often or anything so its kind of blah. Not every event can be a winner but this one it seems like they didnt really try
    I get gold reward like this in hunts very often

    This is kind of not that great. I normally get that much gold from a hunt.

    When was the last time you guys got 455 gold or 909 gold from a hunt? Not including getting an art ofc.
    Too good for people who don't spend real money and get some diamonds for future DU :)
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